Wireless sensor network for single phase electricity monitoring system via Zigbee protocol MFB Anbya, M Salehuddin, S Hadisupadmo, E Leksono 2012 IEEE Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics, 261-266, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Model predictive control design and performance analysis of a pasteurization process plant S Hadisupadmo, E Leksono 2016 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation …, 2016 | 15 | 2016 |
A small signal state space model of inverter-based microgrid control on single phase AC power network S Hadisupadmo, AN Hadiputro, A Widyotriatmo Internetworking Indones. J 8, 71-76, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Performance analysis of PID controller, fuzzy and ANFIS in pasteurization process YZ Maulana, S Hadisupadmo, E Leksono 2016 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation …, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Development of a simulation package of natural gas liquefaction system NS Amalina, TM Setiawan, S Hadisupadmo, W Hendradjit Procedia engineering 170, 177-181, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Temperature control for a pasteurization miniplant using multiloop and cascade controllers F Firmansyah, IA Sulistyawan, S Hadisupadmo, A Widyotriatmo 2016 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation …, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Optimization of capacity and operational scheduling for grid-tied microgrid using pumped-storage hydroelectricity and photovoltaic PY Nugraha, S Hadisupadmo, A Widyotriatmo, D Kurniadi 2015 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 1-6, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Inverse learning control using neuro-fuzzy approach for a process mini-plant YY Nazaruddin, J Waluyo, S Hadisupadmo 2003 International Conference Physics and Control. Proceedings 1, 247-252, 2003 | 5 | 2003 |
Pemanfaatan Sensor Ultrasonik sebagai Alat Bantu Pembacaan Skala Volume pada Bell Prover V Firmansyah, S Hadisupadmo, F Elviya, SR Jannah Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi 12 (1), 1-8, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Perancangan dan Kontrol Mode Operasi Tata Udara Ruang Bedah SK Putra, W Hendradjit, EK Simanjuntak, S Hadisupadmo PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL INSTRUMENTASI, KONTROL DAN OTOMASI, 121–128-121–128, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Perancangan Sistem Kontrol Unit Water Chiller Laboratorium Teknik Kondisi Lingkungan A Pranowo, W Hendrajit, S Hadisupadmo Jurnal Otomasi, Kontrol & Instrumentasi 7 (1), 19, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
Modeling and control strategy analysis of gasoline level dynamic in storage tank with nonsimultaneous product filling and withdrawal scenario KA Kusumah, E Ekawati, S Hadisupadmo 2013 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation Control and Automation …, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Predicting Sulfur Content of Desulfurizer using Data-Driven based Inferential Measurement: An Ammonia Plant Case BT Heryuano, YY Nazaruddin, S Hadisupadmo 2020 IEEE 8th Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC), 178-183, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Prototipe Alat Ukur Luas Lingkaran dalam Silinder Tegak Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik W Sutanto, S Hadisupadmo, R Widyasti, A Salsabiila Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi 12 (1), 19-28, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Perancangan dan Implementasi Safety Instrumented System pada Miniatur Pasteurisasi Menggunakan Programmable Logic Controller M Maesy, N Nugraheni, S Hadisupadmo, A Widyotriatmo Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi 10 (1), 485834, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Perancangan Sistem Kontrol Ketinggian Baja Cair pada Proses Continuous Casting dengan Pengontrol PID Robas Hâ Ë Å¾ M Zibny, E Joelianto, S Hadisupadmo Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi 7 (2), 485813, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Perancangan Safety Shutdown System pada Kepala Sumur Minyak dengan Menggunakan Analisis Pemodelan Petrinet A Leonardo, E Joelianto, S Hadisupadmo Jurnal Otomasi, Kontrol & Instrumentasi 7 (1), 9, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Retrofit Sistem Pencampuran 2 Fluida Beda Warna Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Y Triana, A Rosianah, M Hersaputri, S Hadisupadmo PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL INSTRUMENTASI, KONTROL DAN OTOMASI, 30-30, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Pembuatan Operator Training Simulator Unit Desulfurisasi Pabrik Amonia Menggunakan DCS DELTA-V Fisher Rosemount Y Yatrizal, S Hadisupadmo Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi 5 (1), 485752, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |
Perancangan Sistem Kontrol Proses Kolom Distilasi Minyak Mentah Berbasis Anfis M Hersaputri, S Hadisupadmo, A Samsi Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi 4 (2), 485744, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |