Molly Carney
Glycemic control and urinary tract infections in women with type 1 diabetes: results from the DCCT/EDIC
SM Lenherr, JQ Clemens, BH Braffett, PA Cleary, RL Dunn, JM Hotaling, ...
The Journal of urology 196 (4), 1129-1135, 2016
Harvesting strategies as evidence for 4000 years of camas (Camassia quamash) management in the North American Columbia Plateau
M Carney, S Tushingham, T McLaughlin, J d'Alpoim Guedes
Royal Society Open Science 8 (4), 202213, 2021
Northwest native plants: A digital space for paleoethnobotanical knowledges and biocultural heritage
M Carney, M Diedrich, JC Blong, J d’Alpoim Guedes, TJ Fulkerson, T Kite, ...
Heritage 5 (1), 297-310, 2022
Paleoethnobotanical identification criteria for bulbs of the North American Northwest
M Carney, JA Guedes
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 1-15, 2021
Agent-Based Modeling, Scientific Reproducibility, and Taphonomy: A Successful Model Implementation Case Study
M Carney, B Davies
Journal of Computer Applications in Archaealogy 3 (1), 182-196, 2020
Bulbs and biographies, pine nuts and palimpsests: Exploring plant diversity and earth oven reuse at a late period plateau site
M Carney, JA Guedes, E Wohlgemuth, S Tushingham
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14 (7), 130, 2022
A Critical Reassessment of the Chronology of the Wells Dam Project Area: 9,000 Years of Continuity on the Upper-Middle Columbia River
AN Rorabaugh, M Carney, JW Brown, DE Wallen
Of Housepits and Homes: Twenty-First Century Perspectives on Houses and …, 2020
Gendered Places and Depositional Histories: Reconstructing a Menstrual Lodge in the Interior Northwest
M Carney, JA Guedes, KJ Lyons, MG Elgar
American Antiquity 84 (3), 400-419, 2019
Paleoethnobotanical and Geoarchaeological Analyses at the Flying Goose Site (45PO435)
MR Carney
Washington State University, 2016
Of Housepits and Homes: Twenty-first Century Perspectives on Houses and Settlements in the Columbia-Fraser Plateau
M Carney, JW Brown, DE Wallen
Journal of Northwest Anthropology, 2020
Scales of plant stewardship in the precontact Pacific Northwest, USA
M Carney, T Connolly
The Holocene, 09596836241247307, 2024
Household Archaeology at the Bridge River Site (EeRl4), British Columbia: Spatial Distributions of Features, Lithic Artifacts, and Faunal Remains on Fifteen Anthropogenic …
M Carney
American Antiquity 88 (4), 600-601, 2023
Northwest Native Plants: A Digital Space for Paleoethnobotanical Knowledges and Biocultural Heritage. Heritage 2022, 5, 297–310
M Carney, M Diedrich, JC Blong, J d’Alpoim Guedes, TJ Fulkerson, T Kite, ...
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2022
Fleshing Out Scales of Precontact Bulb Stewardship and Consumption in the Pend Oreille Valley, Washington State
MR Carney
Washington State University, 2021
Braiding Frameworks for Collaborative Stewardship Scholarship
M Carney
Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 3, 1433611, 0
Gene-Culture Coevolution, Pit Hearth Cooking, and the Diabetes Epidemic among North American Indigenous Populations
M Carney
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