Fredy Kristjanpoller
Fredy Kristjanpoller
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Propuesta de un modelo de gestión de mantenimiento y sus principales herramientas de apoyo
P Viveros, R Stegmaier, F Kristjanpoller, L Barbera, A Crespo
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería 21 (1), 125-138, 2013
Availability-based simulation and optimization modeling framework for open-pit mine truck allocation under dynamic constraints
R Mena, E Zio, F Kristjanpoller, A Arata
International Journal of mining science and Technology 23 (1), 113-119, 2013
Introducing buffer inventories in the RBD analysis of process production systems
M Macchi, F Kristjanpoller, M Garetti, A Arata, L Fumagalli
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 104, 84-95, 2012
Técnicas de auditorías para los procesos de: mantenimiento, fiabilidad operacional y gestión de activos (AMORMS & AMS-ISO 55001)
C Parra, P Viveros, F Kristjanpoller, A Crespo, V González-Prida, ...
INGEMAN, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Sevilla, España 2 …, 2021
Slotting optimization model for a warehouse with divisible first-level accommodation locations
P Viveros, K González, R Mena, F Kristjanpoller, J Robledo
Applied Sciences 11 (3), 936, 2021
Integrated system reliability and productive capacity analysis of a production line. A case study for a Chilean mining process
P Viveros, E Zio, F Kristjanpoller, A Arata
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2012
Metodología básica de análisis de riesgo para evaluar la criticidad de activos industriales. caso de estudio: Línea de manufactura de envases biodegradables
C Parra, G Tino, J Parra, A Crespo, P Viveros, F Kristjanpoller, ...
Edita INGEMAN, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales 10, 2021
An asset-management oriented methodology for mine haul-fleet usage scheduling
C Nakousi, R Pascual, A Anani, F Kristjanpoller, P Lillo
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 180, 336-344, 2018
Stochastic model of reliability for use in the evaluation of the economic impact of a failure using life cycle cost analysis. Case studies on the rail freight and oil industries
C Parra, A Crespo, F Kristjanpoller, P Viveros
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2012
Proposal of a maintenance management model and its main support tools
P Viveros, P Stegmaier, F Kristjanpoller, L Barbera, A Crespo
Ingeniare 21 (1), 125-138, 2013
Equivalent availability index for the performance measurement of haul truck fleets
F Kristjanpoller, P Viveros, E Zio, R Pascual, O Aranda
Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc 22 (4), 583-591, 2020
Biomethanation plant assessment based on reliability impact on operational effectiveness
F Kristjanpoller, A Crespo, L Barberá, P Viveros
Renewable Energy 101, 301-310, 2017
RAM analysis of mining process: a case study of a Copper Smelting Process in the field of mining, Chile
L Barberá, A Crespo, P Viveros, F Kristjanpoller
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (31), 217-222, 2012
Técnica de Jerarquización de Activos MCCR: Matriz de Criticidad Cualitativa de Riesgo
C Parra, A Crespo, J Parra, P Viveros, F Kristjanpoller, V González-Prida, ...
Unidad de Craqueo Catalítico. INGEMAN, ETSI. https://doi. org/10.13140/RG 2 …, 2021
Reliability assessment methodology for multiproduct and flexible industrial process
F Kristjanpoller, A Crespo, M López-Campos, P Viveros, T Grubbesich
Realibility and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice, 1101-1107, 2016
Audit and diagnosis in asset management and maintenance applied in the electrical industry
C Parra, P Viveros, F Kristjanpoller, A Crespo, V Gonzalez-Prida
Dyna 96 (3), 238, 2021
Sizing of a standalone PV system with battery storage for a dairy: a case study from Chile
P Viveros, F Wulff, F Kristjanpoller, C Nikulin, T Grubessich
Complexity 2020 (1), 5792782, 2020
RAM-C: A novel methodology for evaluating the impact and the criticality of assets over systems with complex logical configurations
F Kristjanpoller, P Viveros, A Crespo, T Grubessich, R Stegmaier
Actas del 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 2015
Reliability stochastic model applied to evaluate the economic impact of the failure in the life cycle cost analysis (LCCA). Case Study for the rail freight and oil industries
C Parra, A Crespo, F Kristjanpoller, P Viveros
Proc IMechE Part OJ Risk Reliab 226 (4), 392-405, 2012
Criticality analysis based on reliability and failure propagation effect for a complex wastewater treatment plant
F Kristjanpoller, N Cárdenas-Pantoja, P Viveros, R Mena
Applied Sciences 11 (22), 10836, 2021
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