Procurement routes in public building and construction projects O Lædre, K Austeng, TI Haugen, OJ Klakegg Journal of construction engineering and management 132 (7), 689-696, 2006 | 124 | 2006 |
Design management in the building process-a review of current literature V Knotten, F Svalestuen, GK Hansen, O Lædre Procedia Economics and Finance 21, 120-127, 2015 | 120 | 2015 |
Collaborative project delivery methods: A scoping review A Engebø, O Lædre, B Young, PF Larssen, J Lohne, OJ Klakegg Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press, 2020 | 96 | 2020 |
The need for a project governance body H Hjelmbrekke, O Lædre, J Lohne International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 7 (4), 661-677, 2014 | 80 | 2014 |
Kontraktstrategi for bygg- og anleggsprosjekter O Lædre Tapir Akademisk Forlag, 2009 | 77* | 2009 |
Success factors for early contractor involvement (ECI) in public infrastructure projects PA Wondimu, E Hailemichael, A Hosseini, J Lohne, O Torp, O Lædre Energy Procedia 96, 845-854, 2016 | 72 | 2016 |
Valg av kontraktsstrategi i bygg-og anleggsprosjekt O Lædre Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap og teknologi, 2006 | 69 | 2006 |
Building design management–key success factors V Knotten, O Lædre, GK Hansen Architectural Engineering and Design Management 13 (6), 479-493, 2017 | 67 | 2017 |
Factors affecting transaction costs and collaboration in projects H Haaskjold, B Andersen, O Lædre, W Aarseth International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 13 (1), 197-230, 2020 | 62 | 2020 |
Selection criteria for delivery methods for infrastructure projects A Hosseini, O Lædre, B Andersen, O Torp, N Olsson, J Lohne Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 226, 260-268, 2016 | 62 | 2016 |
Use of LoD decision plan in BIM-projects I Grytting, F Svalestuen, J Lohne, H Sommerseth, S Augdal, O Lædre Procedia engineering 196, 407-414, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
Project partnering in Norwegian construction industry A Hosseini, PA Wondimu, A Bellini, N Haugseth, B Andersen, O Lædre Energy Procedia 96, 241-252, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Early Contractor Involvement: Advantages and Disadvantages for the Design Team AH Sødal, O Lædre, F Svalestuen, J Lohne Proceedings of IGLC22, 519-534, 2014 | 59 | 2014 |
Using building information model (BIM) devices to improve information flow and collaboration on construction sites F Svalestuen, V Knotten, O Lædre, F Drevland, J Lohne International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, 2017 | 58 | 2017 |
Project partnering in the construction industry: Theory vs. practice A Hosseini, PA Wondimu, OJ Klakegg, B Andersen, O Laedre Engineering Project Organization Journal 8 (1), 2-24, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
Determining sustainability impact assessment indicators O Laedre, T Haavaldsen, RA Bohne, J Kallaos, J Lohne Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 33 (2), 98-107, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Ethical behaviour in the design phase of AEC projects J Lohne, F Svalestuen, V Knotten, FO Drevland, O Lædre International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 10 (2), 330-345, 2017 | 41 | 2017 |
Key elements to an effective building design team F Svalestuen, K Frøystad, F Drevland, S Ahmad, J Lohne, O Lædre Procedia Computer Science 64, 838-843, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
On the concept of sustainability–assessing the sustainability of large public infrastructure investment projects T Haavaldsen, O Lædre, GH Volden, J Lohne International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 7 (1), 2-12, 2014 | 41 | 2014 |
Partnering elements’ importance for success in the Norwegian construction industry J Wøien, A Hosseini, OJ Klakegg, O Lædre, J Lohne Energy Procedia 96, 229-240, 2016 | 40 | 2016 |