Pascale Deneulin
Pascale Deneulin
Professeur of sensory analysis and statistics in Wine university of Changins
在 changins.ch 的电子邮件经过验证
Analyses of open-ended questions by renormalized associativities and textual networks: A study of perception of minerality in wine
P Deneulin, F Bavaud
Food Quality and Preference 47, 34-44, 2016
Exemplarity measurement and estimation of the level of interjudge agreement for two categories of French red wines
A Loison, R Symoneaux, P Deneulin, T Thomas-Danguin, C Fant, ...
Food Quality and Preference 40, 240-251, 2015
Identification of Hydrogen Disulfanes and Hydrogen Trisulfanes in H2S Bottle, in Flint, and in Dry Mineral White Wine
C Starkenmann, CJF Chappuis, Y Niclass, P Deneulin
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 64 (47), 9033-9040, 2016
Evaluation of the Pivot Profile©, a new method to characterize a large variety of a single product: Case study on honeys from around the world
P Deneulin, C Reverdy, P Rébénaque, E Danthe, B Mulhauser
Food Research International 106, 29-37, 2018
Efficacy of kaolin treatments against Drosophila suzukii and their impact on the composition and taste of processed wines
C Linder, J Rösti, F Lorenzini, P Deneulin, R Badertscher, P Kehrli
Vitis: journal of grapevine research, 2020
Comparison between sensory and nephelometric evaluations of tannin fractions obtained by ultrafiltration of red wines
P Rébénaque, A Rawyler, MO Boldi, P Deneulin
Chemosensory Perception 8, 33-43, 2015
Minéralité du vin: représentations mentales de consommateurs suisses et français
P Deneulin, G Le Bras, Y Le Fur, L Gautier
Revue suisse Viticulture, Arboriculture, Horticulture 2014 (3), 174-180, 2014
Impact of processed earwigs and their faeces on the aroma and taste of ‘Chasselas’ and ‘Pinot Noir’wines
P Kehrli, J Karp, JP Burdet, P Deneulin, E Danthe, F Lorenzini, C Linder
Vitis 51 (2), 87-93, 2012
Is knowledge emotion? The subjective emotional responses to wines depend on level of self-reported expertise and sensitivity to key information about the wine
G Coppin, C Audrin, C Monseau, P Deneulin
Food Research International 142, 110192, 2021
Study of the polysemic term of minerality in wine: Segmentation of consumers based on their textual responses to an open-ended survey
P Deneulin, Y Le Fur, F Bavaud
Food Research International 90, 288-297, 2016
Influence of processed Halyomorpha halys bugs on the aroma and taste of'Chardonnay'and'Merlot'musts and wines
P Kehrli, J Rösti, P Deneulin, C Linder
Vitis: journal of grapevine research, 2021
Méthodologie en analyse sensorielle
P Deneulin, R Pfister
Objectif 2013 (79), 19-31, 2013
Vins sans sulfites ajoutés et labels environnementaux: quel prix pour les consommateurs suisses?
P Deneulin, X Dupraz
Revue suisse Viticulture, Arboriculture, Horticulture 176, 176-182, 2018
Investigation of emotional expressions elicited by wine odor
Dim 1, 62.92, 2014
La minéralité des vins: exploitation de sémantique cognitive d'une étude consommateurs
P Deneulin, G Le Bras, YY Le Fur
La revue des œnologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et œnologiques 41 …, 2014
Occurrence of earwigs in vineyards and their impact on aroma and flavour of'Chasselas' and'Pinot Noir'wines.
JP Burdet, J Karp, P Deneulin, C Linder, P Kehrli
Levons un voile sur la minéralité des vins blancs du Jura: discours, sémantique, sensorialité
L Gautier, P Deneulin, YY Le Fur
Les vies de la pasteurisation–récits, savoirs, actions (1865-2015), 159-170, 2015
Minéralité des vins: étude et valorisation d’un concept en vogue, mais méconnu
P Deneulin, S Burgos
Revue suisse de viticulture, arboriculture et horticulture 46 (3), 2014
Quelles émotions pour quels vins? Influence du cépage et de la région d’origine
C Monseau, P Deneulin
Revue des œnologues 153, 32-34, 2014
Concours et préférences des consommateurs: Partie 1/2: Les vins médaillés sont-ils ceux préférés des consommateurs? Cas d'un concours transfrontalier
P Deneulin, JC Perrin, C Guyot, JF Clément
Revue des oenologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et oenologiques …, 2012
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