Jamal Khalaf Atea Al-Faragi
Jamal Khalaf Atea Al-Faragi
在 covm.uobaghdad.edu.iq 的电子邮件经过验证
Influence of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) as feed additives on growth performance and antifungal activity on Saprolegnia spp. in Cyprinus carpio L
AH ALsafah, JK Al-Faragi
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5 (6), 1598-1602, 2017
Effect of ginger, Zingiber officinale and garlic, Allium sativum to enhance health of common carp, Cyprinus carpio
SG Ajeel, JK Al-Faragi
The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine 37 (1), 59-62, 2013
Histopathological alterations in gills, liver and kidney of common carp, Cyprinus carpio exposed to lead Acetate
SA Mustafa, JK Al-Faragi, NM Salman, AJ Al-Rudainy
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci 5 (9), 371-376, 2017
Detection and study of the experimental infection of Aeromonas strain in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.): Sundus AA Alsaphar and Jamal KH Al-Faragi
SAA Alsaphar
The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine 36 (2), 222-230, 2012
Isolation and identification of Bacillus subtilus as (probiotic) from intestinal microflora of common carp Cyprinus carpio L
JK Al-Faragi, SA Alsaphar
Proceeding of the Eleventh Veterinary Scientific Conference 355, 361, 2012
Assessment of hydrogen peroxide on histopathology and survival rate in common carp, Cyprinus carpio l. infected with saprolegniasis
SA Mustafa, AJ Al-Rudainy, JK Al-Faragi
The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science 50 (2), 697-704, 2019
Efficiency of dietary turmeric on growth performance, hematology and survival rate in common carp Cyprinus carpio challenged with Flexibacter columnaris
JK Al-Faragi, MAH Hassan
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences 8 (1), 130-140, 2017
The efficacy of prebiotic (β-glucan) as a feed additive against toxicity of aflatoxin B1 in common carp, Cyprinus carpio L
JK Al-Faragi
Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development 5 (4), 1000240-1000246, 2014
Efficiency of betaine and β-glucan as feed additives on the growth performance and survival rate of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fingerlings
HHA Ali, JKA AL-Faragi
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5 (4), 27-31, 2017
The influence of chitosan on immune status and survival rate of Cyprinus carpioL. challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila
SA Mustafa, JK Alfaragi, Z Aref
مجلة الكوفة للعلوم الطبية البيطرية| Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical …, 2014
Effeciency of copper nanoparticles coated mint as anti-fungal against saprolegniasis disease in common carp
SW Alwash, JK Al-Faragi, TM Al-Saadi
Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 53 (5), 1129-1137, 2022
Supplementation of feed additives on aquaculture feeds: a review
SA Mustafa, JK Al-Faragi
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 13 (1), 561-567, 2021
Effect of local probiotic on common carp Cyprinus carpio growth performance and survival rate
JKH Al-Faragi, SAA Al-Saphar
Journal of Genetic and Environment Conservation 1 (2), 89-96, 2013
Detection of the most important pathogenic bacteria affect external organs of cyprinus carpio in wasit province
AJ Garabawi, JK Al-Faragi, KY Zakair
Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 53 (5), 1115-1122, 2022
Effect of Chitosan nanoparticles loaded oxytetracycline hydrochloride on health status of common carp (Cyprinuscarpio L.) infected with columnaris disease
MN Ali, TM Al-Saadi, JKA AL-Faragi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1879 (3), 032075, 2021
Effect of ß-glucan on behavioral, biochemical and hematological parameters against toxicity of copper sulfate in common carp Cyprinus carpio L.
SA Al-Faragi, J.K. Najem, E.S. and Mustafa
The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine 38 (2), 128-137, 2014
Isolation of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) species as probiotic from intestinal contents of common carp Cyprinus carpio L
SA Al-Faragi, J.K. and Al-saffar
journal of biotechnology Reserch Center 6 (1), 88-96, 2012
Effect of adding sodium chloride in water on mortality rate, behavior and gill histopathology in Cyprinus carpio exposed to acute toxicity of unionized ammonia
M Abd Kadhim, JK Al-Faragi
Effect of chitosan on haematological parameters, biochemical profile and growth rate of Cyprinus carpio L. infected with Aeromonas hydrophila
JK Al-Faragi, ZA Salah
Iraq J Agric Res 22 (2), 167-176, 2017
Manufacture of Dried Fish Silage by Fermentation and Assessing Nutritional Performance on a Growth of the Fingerlings of Common Carp Cyprinus carpio L.
JK Al-Faragi
Baghdad university, 2000
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