There is no 16-clue Sudoku: Solving the Sudoku minimum number of clues problem via hitting set enumeration G McGuire, B Tugemann, G Civario Experimental Mathematics 23 (2), 190-217, 2014 | 180 | 2014 |
New families of quadratic almost perfect nonlinear trinomials and multinomials C Bracken, E Byrne, N Markin, G McGuire Finite Fields and Their Applications 14 (3), 703-714, 2008 | 133 | 2008 |
On the Function Field Sieve and the Impact of Higher Splitting Probabilities: Application to Discrete Logarithms in and F Göloğlu, R Granger, G McGuire, J Zumbrägel Annual Cryptology Conference, 109-128, 2013 | 108 | 2013 |
A few more quadratic APN functions C Bracken, E Byrne, N Markin, G McGuire Cryptography and Communications 3 (1), 43-53, 2011 | 91 | 2011 |
Double-error-correcting cyclic codes and absolutely irreducible polynomials over GF (2) H Janwa, G Mcguire, RM Wilson Journal of Algebra 178 (2), 665-676, 1995 | 84 | 1995 |
Proof of a conjecture on the sequence of exceptional numbers, classifying cyclic codes and APN functions F Hernando, G McGuire Journal of algebra 343 (1), 78-92, 2011 | 73 | 2011 |
Construction of bent functions from near-bent functions G Leander, G McGuire Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 116 (4), 960-970, 2009 | 72 | 2009 |
Recurrence matrices and the preservation of dynamical properties G McGuire, NB Azar, M Shelhamer Physics Letters A 237 (1-2), 43-47, 1997 | 69 | 1997 |
Cyclic codes over Z/sub 4/, locator polynomials, and Newton's identities AR Calderbank, G McGuire, VP Kumar, T Helleseth IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42 (1), 217-226, 1996 | 59 | 1996 |
A construction of weakly and non-weakly regular bent functions A Çeşmelioğlu, G McGuire, W Meidl Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 119 (2), 420-429, 2012 | 54 | 2012 |
Solving a-bit DLP on a Desktop Computer F Göloğlu, R Granger, G McGuire, J Zumbrägel International Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography, 136-152, 2013 | 52 | 2013 |
A few more functions that are not APN infinitely often Y Aubry, G McGuire, F Rodier Finite fields: theory and applications 518, 23-31, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
Determining the nonlinearity of a new family of APN functions C Bracken, E Byrne, N Markin, G McGuire Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: 17th …, 2007 | 45 | 2007 |
Gold and Kasami-Welch functions, quadratic forms, and bent functions J Lahtonen, G McGuire, HN Ward Advances in Mathematics of Communications 1 (2), 243-250, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
On three weights in cyclic codes with two zeros G McGuire Finite Fields and Their Applications 10 (1), 97-104, 2004 | 44 | 2004 |
APN permutations on Zn and Costas arrays K Drakakis, R Gow, G McGuire Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (15), 3320-3326, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
Quasi-symmetric designs and codes meeting the Grey–Rankin bound G McGuire journal of combinatorial theory, Series A 78 (2), 280-291, 1997 | 41 | 1997 |
Construction of a (64, 2 37, 12) code via Galois rings AR Calderbank, G McGuire Designs, Codes and Cryptography 10 (2), 157-165, 1997 | 40 | 1997 |
A hardware analysis of twisted Edwards curves for an elliptic curve cryptosystem B Baldwin, R Moloney, A Byrne, G McGuire, WP Marnane International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, 355-361, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
A characterization of the number of roots of linearized and projective polynomials in the field of coefficients G McGuire, J Sheekey Finite Fields and Their Applications 57, 68-91, 2019 | 37 | 2019 |