David Morin
David Morin
NTNU, Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology
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Macroscopic strength and failure properties of flow-drill screw connections
M Sønstabø, Johan Kolstø Holmstrøm, Petter Henrik Morin, David Langseth
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 222, 1-12, 2015
Axial crushing of aluminum extrusions filled with PET foam and GFRP. An experimental investigation
M Costas, D Morin, M Langseth, L Romera, J Díaz
Thin-Walled Structures 99, 45-57, 2016
Strain localization and ductile fracture in advanced high-strength steel sheets
G Gruben, D Morin, M Langseth, OS Hopperstad
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 61, 315-329, 2017
The SEĖ method for determination of behaviour laws for strain rate dependent material: Application to polymer material
F Lauro, B Bennani, D Morin, AF Epee
International Journal of Impact Engineering 37 (6), 715-722, 2010
A Lode-dependent Gurson model motivated by unit cell analyses
LE Dæhli, D Morin, T Børvik, OS Hopperstad
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 190, 299-318, 2018
Low-velocity impact behaviour and failure of stiffened steel plates
G Gruben, S Sølvernes, T Berstad, D Morin, OS Hopperstad, M Langseth
Marine Structures 54, 73-91, 2017
Testing and modelling of stiffened aluminium panels subjected to quasi-static and low-velocity impact loading
D Morin, BL Kårstad, B Skajaa, OS Hopperstad, M Langseth
International Journal of Impact Engineering 110, 97-111, 2017
On the description of ductile fracture in metals by the strain localization theory
D Morin, OS Hopperstad, A Benallal
International Journal of Fracture 209, 27-51, 2018
Macroscopic modelling of flow-drill screw connections in thin-walled aluminium structures
M Sønstabø, Johan Kolstø Morin, David Langseth
Thin-Walled Structures 105, 185-206, 2016
A through-thickness damage regularisation scheme for shell elements subjected to severe bending and membrane deformations
M Costas, D Morin, OS Hopperstad, T Børvik, M Langseth
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 123, 190-206, 2019
Static crushing of aluminium tubes filled with PET foam and a GFRP skeleton. Numerical modelling and multiobjective optimization
M Costas, D Morin, M Langseth, J Díaz, L Romera
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 131, 205-217, 2017
Identification of a new failure criterion for toughened epoxy adhesive
D Morin, G Haugou, B Bennani, F Lauro
Engineering fracture mechanics 77 (17), 3481-3500, 2010
Calibration of the modified Mohr-Coulomb fracture model by use of localization analyses for three tempers of an AA6016 aluminium alloy
H Granum, D Morin, T Børvik, OS Hopperstad
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 192, 106122, 2021
Testing and modelling of flow-drill screw connections under quasi-static loadings
JK Sønstabø, D Morin, M Langseth
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 255, 724-738, 2018
Static and dynamic testing and modelling of aluminium joints with flow-drill screw connections
JK Sønstabø, D Morin, M Langseth
International Journal of Impact Engineering 115, 58-75, 2018
Influence of yield surface curvature on the macroscopic yielding and ductile failure of isotropic porous plastic materials
LEB Dæhli, D Morin, T Børvik, OS Hopperstad
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 107, 253-283, 2017
Testing and simulation of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg components under quasi-static loading
M Costas, D Morin, M de Lucio, M Langseth
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 81, 103966, 2020
A new cohesive element for structural bonding modelling under dynamic loading
D Morin, B Bourel, B Bennani, F Lauro, D Lesueur
International Journal of Impact Engineering 53, 94-105, 2013
On the effect of plastic anisotropy, strength and work hardening on the tensile ductility of aluminium alloys
BH Frodal, D Morin, T Børvik, OS Hopperstad
International Journal of Solids and Structures 188, 118-132, 2020
Elasto-viscoplasticity behaviour of a structural adhesive under compression loadings at low, moderate and high strain rates
D Morin, G Haugou, F Lauro, B Bennani, B Bourel
Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 1, 124-135, 2015
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