Springer Series in Statistics P Bickel, P Diggle, S Fienberg, U Gather | 11729 | 2005 |
Discrete multivariate analysis: Theory and practice YM Bishop, SE Fienberg, PW Holland Springer Science & Business Media, 2007 | 11606 | 2007 |
The analysis of cross-classified categorical data SE Fienberg Springer Science & Business Media, 2007 | 4819 | 2007 |
Mixed membership stochastic blockmodels EM Airoldi, D Blei, S Fienberg, E Xing Advances in neural information processing systems 21, 2008 | 2624 | 2008 |
A Comparison of String Distance Metrics for Name-Matching Tasks. WW Cohen, P Ravikumar, SE Fienberg IIWeb 3, 73-78, 2003 | 2058 | 2003 |
A survey of statistical network models A Goldenberg, AX Zheng, SE Fienberg, EM Airoldi Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 2 (2), 129-233, 2010 | 1146 | 2010 |
A comparison of string metrics for matching names and records W Cohen, P Ravikumar, S Fienberg Kdd workshop on data cleaning and object consolidation 3, 73-78, 2003 | 857 | 2003 |
The comparison and evaluation of forecasters MH DeGroot, SE Fienberg Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician) 32 (1 …, 1983 | 835 | 1983 |
Adaptive name matching in information integration M Bilenko, R Mooney, W Cohen, P Ravikumar, S Fienberg IEEE Intelligent Systems 18 (5), 16-23, 2003 | 756 | 2003 |
A comparison of blocking methods for record linkage RC Steorts, SL Ventura, M Sadinle, SE Fienberg Privacy in Statistical Databases: UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy …, 2014 | 657 | 2014 |
Mixed-membership models of scientific publications E Erosheva, S Fienberg, J Lafferty Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (suppl_1), 5220-5227, 2004 | 629 | 2004 |
Statistics Texts in Statistics G Casella, S Fienberg | 583 | 2009 |
An iterative procedure for estimation in contingency tables SE Fienberg The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 41 (3), 907-917, 1970 | 561 | 1970 |
Identification and estimation of age-period-cohort models in the analysis of discrete archival data SE Fienberg, WM Mason Sociological methodology 10, 1-67, 1979 | 541 | 1979 |
An R and S-PLUS companion to multivariate analysis B Everitt, G Casella, S Fienberg, I Olkin Springer, 2005 | 505 | 2005 |
Cohort analysis in social research: Beyond the identification problem WM Mason, S Fienberg Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 487 | 2012 |
The multiple recapture census for closed populations and incomplete 2k contingency tables SE Fienberg Biometrika 59 (3), 591-603, 1972 | 463 | 1972 |
When did Bayesian inference become" Bayesian"? SE Fienberg | 405 | 2006 |
The analysis of multidimensional contingency tables SE Fienberg Ecology 51 (3), 419-433, 1970 | 400 | 1970 |
Who counts?: The politics of census-taking in contemporary America M Anderson, SE Fienberg Russell Sage Foundation, 1999 | 395 | 1999 |