Anna R Gai
Anna R Gai
Graduate Student, Florida State University
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Non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal thoughts and behaviors: A study of the explanatory roles of the interpersonal theory variables among military service members and veterans.
C Chu, MA Hom, IH Stanley, AR Gai, MK Nock, PM Gutierrez, TE Joiner
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 86 (1), 56, 2018
Wildland firefighters and suicide risk: Examining the role of social disconnectedness
IH Stanley, MA Hom, AR Gai, TE Joiner
Psychiatry research 266, 269-274, 2018
Advancing the prediction and prevention of murder-suicide
MC Podlogar, AR Gai, M Schneider, CR Hagan, TE Joiner
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 10 (3), 223-234, 2018
Evaluation of two web-based interventions in reducing the stigma of suicide
ML Rogers, ME Schneider, AR Gai, JY Gorday, TE Joiner
Behaviour research and therapy 109, 49-55, 2018
On prediction, refutation, and explanatory reach: A consideration of the interpersonal theory of suicidal behavior
TE Joiner, ME Jeon, A Lieberman, R Janakiraman, ME Duffy, AR Gai, ...
Preventive Medicine 152, 106453, 2021
Problematic alcohol use and suicidal ideation among firefighters: A multi-study investigation of the explanatory roles of perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness
AJ Gallyer, SP Dougherty, AR Gai, IH Stanley, MA Hom, ML Rogers, ...
Journal of affective disorders 238, 281-288, 2018
Why does safety planning prevent suicidal behavior?
ML Rogers, AR Gai, A Lieberman, K Musacchio Schafer, TE Joiner
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 53 (1), 33, 2022
The Military Suicide Research Consortium common data elements: An examination of measurement invariance across current service members and veterans
IH Stanley, JM Buchman-Schmitt, C Chu, ML Rogers, AR Gai, RK Wagner, ...
Assessment 26 (6), 963-975, 2019
Role of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness in the relationship between violent daydreaming and suicidal ideation in two adult samples
C Chu, ML Rogers, AR Gai, TE Joiner
Journal of aggression, conflict and peace research 10 (1), 11-23, 2017
Examination of measurement invariance of the Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale.
ML Rogers, BW Bauer, AR Gai, ME Duffy, TE Joiner
Psychological assessment 33 (5), 464, 2021
Fluctuations in and associations between physical and psychological distance to suicide methods, fearlessness about death, and suicidal intent.
ML Rogers, AR Gai, TE Joiner
Journal of psychopathology and clinical science 131 (8), 868, 2022
Psychotic symptoms and suicidal ideation in child and adolescent bipolar I disorder
ME Duffy, AR Gai, ML Rogers, TE Joiner, JL Luby, PT Joshi, KD Wagner, ...
Bipolar disorders 21 (4), 342-349, 2019
The frequency and subjective impact of painful and provocative events on the acquired capability for suicide
BW Bauer, AR Gai, TE Joiner, DW Capron
Archives of suicide research 25 (3), 715-729, 2021
Fearlessness about death does not differ by suicide attempt method
BW Bauer, AR Gai, ME Duffy, ML Rogers, LR Khazem, RL Martin, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 124, 42-49, 2020
Targeting perceived burdensomeness to reduce suicide risk
A Lieberman, AR Gai, ML Rogers, DA Jobes, MD Rudd, SA Chalker, ...
Behavior therapy 54 (4), 696-707, 2023
To support and defend: A eusociality-based account of suicide in US military service members and first responders.
FB Ringer, ML Rogers, MC Podlogar, C Chu, AR Gai, T Joiner
Clinical psychology: science and practice 28 (4), 380, 2021
The nature and structure of the Military Suicide Research Consortium’s common data elements
AR Gai, F Ringer, K Schafer, S Dougherty, M Schneider, KA Soberay, ...
Military Behavioral Health 9 (2), 129-138, 2021
Suicidal ideation severity in transgender and cisgender elevated-risk military service members at baseline and three-month follow-up
R Janakiraman, IH Stanley, ME Duffy, AR Gai, JE Hanson, PM Gutierrez, ...
Military Behavioral Health 8 (3), 256-264, 2020
Suicide Risk During COVID-19: Correlates of Peri-pandemic Suicidal Ideation Controlling for Pre-pandemic Ideation
ME Jeon, MM Gomez, AR Gai, FB Ringer, KM Schafer, TE Joiner
International journal of cognitive therapy 15 (3), 321-335, 2022
The Effects of Military Service Experience on Psychiatric Symptoms Among US Firefighters
A Gai
The Florida State University, 2017
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