Air scrubbing techniques for ammonia and odor reduction at livestock operations: Review of on-farm research in the Netherlands RW Melse, NWM Ogink Transactions of the ASAE 48 (6), 2303-2313, 2005 | 307 | 2005 |
Biofiltration for mitigation of methane emission from animal husbandry RW Melse, AW Van der Werf Environmental science & technology 39 (14), 5460-5468, 2005 | 230 | 2005 |
Overview of European and Netherlands' regulations on airborne emissions from intensive livestock production with a focus on the application of air scrubbers RW Melse, NWM Ogink, WH Rulkens Biosystems Engineering 104 (3), 289-298, 2009 | 101 | 2009 |
Biotrickling filter for the treatment of exhaust air from a pig rearing building: Ammonia removal performance and its fluctuations RW Melse, JPM Ploegaert, NWM Ogink Biosystems engineering 113 (3), 242-252, 2012 | 87 | 2012 |
Evaluation of four farm-scale systems for the treatment of liquid pig manure RW Melse, N Verdoes Biosystems Engineering 92 (1), 47-57, 2005 | 80 | 2005 |
Air treatment techniques for abatement of emissions from intensive livestock production RW Melse, NWM Ogink, WH Rulkens The Open Agriculture Journal 3, 6-12, 2009 | 79 | 2009 |
Sustainable intensive livestock production demands manure and exhaust air treatment technologies RW Melse, M Timmerman Bioresource Technology 100 (22), 5506-5511, 2009 | 73 | 2009 |
Odour and ammonia removal from pig house exhaust air using a biotrickling filter RW Melse, G Mol Water Science and Technology 50 (4), 275-282, 2004 | 68 | 2004 |
Biofiltration of exhaust air from animal houses: Evaluation of removal efficiencies and practical experiences with biobeds at three field sites RW Melse, JMG Hol biosystems engineering 159, 59-69, 2017 | 43 | 2017 |
Removal of particulate matter (PM10) by air scrubbers at livestock facilities: Results of an on-farm monitoring program RW Melse, P Hofschreuder, NWM Ogink Transactions of the ASABE 55 (2), 689-698, 2012 | 39 | 2012 |
Scrubber capabilities to remove airborne microorganisms and other aerial pollutants from the exhaust air of animal houses AJA Aarnink, WJM Landman, RW Melse, Y Zhao, JPM Ploegaert, ... Transactions of the ASABE 54 (5), 1921-1930, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from biotrickling filters used for ammonia removal at livestock facilities RW Melse, J Mosquera Water Science & Technology 69 (5), 994-1003, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |
Size reduction of ammonia scrubbers for pig and poultry houses: Use of conditional bypass vent at high air loading rates RW Melse, AV Van Wagenberg, J Mosquera Biosystems Engineering 95 (1), 69-82, 2006 | 35 | 2006 |
Comparing environmental impact of air scrubbers for ammonia abatement at pig houses: A life cycle assessment JW De Vries, RW Melse Biosystems Engineering 161, 53-61, 2017 | 34 | 2017 |
Multi-pollutant scrubbers for removal of ammonia, odor, and particulate matter from animal house exhaust air RW Melse, NWM Ogink, AJJ Bosma Proceedings of the Mitigating Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations …, 2008 | 34 | 2008 |
Toepassing van luchtbehandelingstechnieken binnen de intensieve veehouderij. Fase 1: techniek en kosten; Fase 2: mogelijkheden tot kostenverlaging van wassers RW Melse, HC Willers Agrotechnology & Food Innovations, 2004 | 34* | 2004 |
Quick scan van be-en verwerkingstechnieken voor dierlijke mest RW Melse, FE De Buisonjé, N Verdoes, HC Willers Animal Sciences Group, 2004 | 28 | 2004 |
Systems for eliminating pathogens from exhaust air of animal houses AJA Aarnink, WJM Landman, RW Melse, TTT Huynh Livestock Environment VII, 18-20 May 2005, Beijing, China, 239, 2005 | 24 | 2005 |
Standardized testing procedures for assessing ammonia and odor emissions from animal housing systems in The Netherlands NWM Ogink, J Mosquera, RW Melse Proceedings of Mitigating Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations …, 2008 | 23 | 2008 |
Composition and biogas yield of a novel source segregation system for pig excreta PT Vu, RW Melse, G Zeeman, PWGG Koerkamp biosystems engineering 145, 29-38, 2016 | 18 | 2016 |