Khalil Laghari, Ph.D.,
Khalil Laghari, Ph.D.,
MAF Carrefour Digital Retail
Toward total quality of experience: A QoE model in a communication ecosystem
KUR Laghari, K Connelly
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (4), 58-65, 2012
QoE aware service delivery in distributed environment
N Crespi, B Molina, CE Palau
2011 IEEE workshops of international conference on advanced information …, 2011
Approaches to understanding the impact of technologies for aging in place: a mini-review
K Connelly, K ur Rehman Laghari, M Mokhtari, TH Falk
Gerontology 60 (3), 282-288, 2014
Using affective brain-computer interfaces to characterize human influential factors for speech quality-of-experience perception modelling
R Gupta, K Laghari, H Banville, TH Falk
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 6, 1-19, 2016
Neurophysiological experimental facility for Quality of Experience (QoE) assessment
R Gupta, S Arndt, JN Antons, R Schleicher, S Möller, TH Falk
2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2013
Quantitative and qualitative assessment of qoe for multimedia services in wireless environment
K ur Rehman Laghari, I Khan, N Crespi
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Mobile Video, 7-12, 2012
QON: Quality of experience (QoE) framework for network services
AA Laghari, KUR Laghari, MI Channa, TH Falk
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on software technology and …, 2012
User-centric quality of experience measurement
B Chihani, K ur Rehman Laghari, E Bertin, D Collange, N Crespi, TH Falk
Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services: 5th International Conference …, 2014
Cognitive, affective, and experience correlates of speech quality perception in complex listening conditions
JN Antons, S Arndt, R Schleicher, S Möller, D O'Shaughnessy, TH Falk
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
Using fNIRS to characterize human perception of TTS system quality, comprehension, and fluency: preliminary findings
R Gupta, K Laghari, S Arndt, R Schleicher, S Moller, D O’Shaughnessy, ...
International workshop on perceptual quality of systems (PQS), 2013
Analysis of telecommunication management technologies
KUR Laghari, IG Benyaiha, N Crespi
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 1 (2 …, 2009
QoM: A new quality of experience framework for multimedia services
TT Pham, H Nguyen, N Crespi
2012 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 000851-000856, 2012
Are qoe requirements for multimedia services different for men and women? analysis of gender differences in forming qoe in virtual acoustic environments
M Hyder, KR Laghari, N Crespi, M Haun, C Hoene
Emerging Trends and Applications in Information Communication Technologies …, 2012
Auditory BCIs for visually impaired users: should developers worry about the quality of text-to-speech readers
K Laghari, R Gupta, S Arndt, JN Antons, R Schleicher, S Moller, T Falk
International BCI Meeting, 3-7, 2013
Preliminary findings on image preference characterization based on neurophysiological signal analysis: Towards objective QoE modeling
TH Falk, Y Pomerantz, K Laghari, S Möller, T Chau
2012 Fourth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience, 146-147, 2012
Towards a service delivery based on customer eXperience ontology: shift from service to eXperience
K ur Rehman Laghari, IG Ben Yahya, N Crespi
Modelling Autonomic Communication Environments: 5th IEEE International …, 2010
On quality of experience (QoE) for multimedia services in communication ecosystem
KUR Laghari
Institut National des Télécommunications, 2012
Quality of experience for audio-visual services
MT Diallo, H Moustafa, H Afifi, KUR Laghari
UP-TO-US'12 Workshop: User-Centric Personalized TV ubiquitOus and secUre …, 2012
Energy efficient shared WDM-PON
SHS Newaz, K Laghari, GM Lee, N Crespi, JK Choi
2012 14th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology …, 2012
Towards Total Quality of Experience: A QoE for multimedia services in comunication ecosystem
KUR Laghari, N Crespi, K Connelly
IEEE Communication Magazine, 2012
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