Zuzana Lukacova
Zuzana Lukacova
Prírodovedecká fakulta UK v Bratislave
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Silicon mitigates the Cd toxicity in maize in relation to cadmium translocation, cell distribution, antioxidant enzymes stimulation and enhanced endodermal apoplasmic barrier …
Z Lukačová, R Švubová, J Kohanová, A Lux
Plant Growth Regulation 70, 89-103, 2013
Alleviation mechanisms of metal (loid) stress in plants by silicon: a review
M Vaculík, Z Lukačová, B Bokor, M Martinka, DK Tripathi, A Lux
Journal of Experimental Botany 71 (21), 6744-6757, 2020
Silicon Influence on Maize, Zea mays L., Hybrids Exposed to Cadmium Treatment
Z Lukačová Kuliková, A Lux
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 85, 243-250, 2010
Silicification of root tissues
A Lux, Z Lukačová, M Vaculík, R Švubová, J Kohanová, M Soukup, ...
Plants 9 (1), 111, 2020
Ionome and expression level of Si transporter genes (Lsi1, Lsi2, and Lsi6) affected by Zn and Si interaction in maize
B Bokor, S Bokorová, S Ondoš, R Švubová, Z Lukačová, M Hýblová, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 6800-6811, 2015
Tobacco plants (Nicotiana benthamiana) were influenced by silicon and were not infected by dodder (Cuscuta europaea)
Z Lukacova, R Svubova, S Janikovicova, Z Volajova, A Lux
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 139, 179-190, 2019
The Effect of Plasma Activated Water on Maize (Zea mays L.) under Arsenic Stress
Z Lukacova, R Svubova, P Selvekova, K Hensel
Plants 10 (9), 1899, 2021
Divergence of reactions to arsenic (As) toxicity in tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) plants: A lesson from peroxidase involvement
Z Lukacova, B Bokor, S Vavrova, K Soltys, M Vaculik
Journal of Hazardous Materials 417, 126049, 2021
New aspects of dodder–tobacco interactions during haustorium development
R Svubova, Z Lukacova, P Kastier, A Blehova
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 39, 1-12, 2017
Mechanisms of silicon-mediated alleviation of abiotic stress in plants: recent advances and future perspective
D Líška, M Soukup, Z Lukačová, B Bokor, M Vaculík, DK Tripathi, ...
Silicon in plants: advances and future prospects, 1-28, 2017
Transformation of sundew: pitfalls and promises
A Blehová, R Švubová, Z Lukačová, J Moravčíková, I Matušíková
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 120, 681-687, 2015
Root silicification and plant resistance to stress
Z Lukacova, B Bokor, M Vaculík, J Kohanová, A Lux
Benefits of Silicon in the Nutrition of Plants, 27-56, 2023
Silicon and cadmium interaction of maize (Zea mays L.) plants cultivated in vitro
Z Lukacova, D Liska, B Bokor, R Svubova, A Lux
Biologia 76 (9), 2721-2733, 2021
Silicification of Root Tissues Plants 9: 1–20
A Lux, Z Lukačová, M Vaculík
Copper and zinc accumulation, distribution, and tolerance in Pistia stratiotes L.; revealing the role of root caps
A Kokavcová, SNH Bokhari, A Mijovilovich, F Morina, Z Lukačová, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 264, 106731, 2023
Zinc hyperaccumulation in plants: mechanisms and principles
M Vaculík, T Mišljenović, Z Lukačová, K Jakovljević, D Podar, J Kováč
Zinc in Plants, 1-39, 2025
The Effect of Plasma Activated Water on Maize (Zea mays L.) under Arsenic Stress. Plants 2021, 10, 1899
Z Lukacova, R Svubova, P Selvekova, K Hensel
Effects of Non-thermal Plasma Treatment on Plant Physiological and …, 2021
A comparative study using hydroponic and in vitro conditions: the cadmium and silicon uptake by maize (Zea mays L.) plants.
D Líška, Z Lukačová, A Lux
Vplyv arzénu a kremíka na vybrané enzýmy a metabolity fenylpropanoidnej dráhy v kukurici siatej (Zea mays)
A Mišúthová, Z Lukačová, M Vaculík
文章 1–19