Martín Rocamora
Comparing audio descriptors for singing voice detection in music audio files
M Rocamora, P Herrera
Brazilian symposium on computer music, 11th. san pablo, brazil 26, 27, 2007
Fan chirp transform for music representation
P Cancela, E López, M Rocamora
13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-10), Graz …, 2010
An interpretable deep learning model for automatic sound classification
P Zinemanas, M Rocamora, M Miron, F Font, X Serra
Electronics 10 (7), 850, 2021
Universality and cross-cultural variation in mental representations of music revealed by global comparison of rhythm priors
N Jacoby, R Polak, J Grahn, DJ Cameron, KM Lee, R Godoy, ...
PsyArXiv, 2021
An Efficient Multi-Resolution Spectral Transform for Music Analysis
P Cancela, M Rocamora, E López
ISMIR, 309-314, 2009
End-to-end convolutional neural networks for sound event detection in urban environments
P Zinemanas, P Cancela, M Rocamora
2019 24th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 533-539, 2019
Query by humming: Automatically building the database from music recordings
M Rocamora, P Cancela, A Pardo
Pattern Recognition Letters 36, 272-280, 2014
Diet estimation of Paralichthys orbignyanus in a coastal lagoon via quantitative fatty acid signature analysis
L Magnone, M Bessonart, M Rocamora, J Gadea, M Salhi
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 462, 36-49, 2015
Beat and Downbeat Tracking Based on Rhythmic Patterns Applied to the Uruguayan Candombe Drumming.
LO Nunes, M Rocamora, L Jure, LWP Biscainho
ISMIR, 264-270, 2015
MAVD: a dataset for sound event detection in urban environments
P Zinemanas, P Cancela, M Rocamora
Tools for detection and classification of piano drum patterns from candombe recordings
M Rocamora, L Jure, LWP Biscainho
Proc. of the 9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology (CIM14), 382-387, 2014
Microtiming in the Rhythmic Structure of Candombe Drumming Patterns
L Jure, M Rocamora
Fourth International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music, 2016
Apuntes de acústica musical
M Rocamora
Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Recuperado en: http://www …, 2006
Globally, songs and instrumental melodies are slower, higher, and use more stable pitches than speech [Stage 2 Registered Report]
Y Ozaki, A Tierney, P Pfordresher, J Mcbride, E Benetos, P Proutskova, ...
PsyArXiv, 2022
Tracking beats and microtiming in Afro-Latin American music using conditional random fields and deep learning
M Fuentes, LS Maia, M Rocamora, LWP Biscainho, HC Crayencour, ...
ISMIR, 2019
Aesthetics of musical timing: Culture and expertise affect preferences for isochrony but not synchrony
K Jakubowski, R Polak, M Rocamora, L Jure, N Jacoby
Cognition 227, 105205, 2022
An audio-visual database of candombe of performances for computational musicological studies
M Rocamora, L Jure, B Marenco, M Fuentes, F Lanzaro, A Gómez
II Congreso Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Musical, 17-24, 2015
Wind instruments synthesis toolbox for generation of music audio signals with labeled partials
M Rocamora, E Lopez, L Jure
SBCM09. 12Th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, Recife, Brasil, 2009, 2009
A novel dataset of Brazilian rhythmic instruments and some experiments in computational rhythm analysis
LS Maia, PD Tomaz Jr, M Fuentes, M Rocamora, LWP Biscainho, ...
2018 AES Latin American Congress of Audio Engineering, 53-60, 2018
Pitch content visualization tools for music performance analysis
L Jure, E Lopez, M Rocamora, P Cancela, H Sponton, I Irigaray
13 th International Society for Music Information Retrieval. Porto, Portugal …, 2012
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