Robin Kraft
Persuasive e-health design for behavior change
H Baumeister, R Kraft, A Baumel, R Pryss, EM Messner
Digital phenotyping and mobile sensing: new developments in …, 2022
Combining Mobile Crowdsensing and Ecological Momentary Assessments in the Healthcare Domain
R Kraft, W Schlee, M Stach, M Reichert, B Langguth, H Baumeister, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 164, 2020
Mobile health app database-a repository for quality ratings of mHealth apps
M Stach, R Kraft, T Probst, EM Messner, Y Terhorst, H Baumeister, ...
2020 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2020
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of PSYCHOnlineTHERAPY: study protocol of a multicenter blended outpatient psychotherapy cluster randomized controlled trial for patients with …
H Baumeister, N Bauereiss, AC Zarski, L Braun, C Buntrock, C Hoherz, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 660534, 2021
Exploring the time trend of stress levels while using the crowdsensing mobile health platform, trackyourstress, and the influence of perceived stress reactivity: ecological …
R Pryss, D John, W Schlee, W Schlotz, J Schobel, R Kraft, M Spiliopoulou, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (10), e13978, 2019
Using Chatbots to support medical and psychological treatment procedures: challenges, opportunities, technologies, reference architecture
R Pryss, R Kraft, H Baumeister, J Winkler, T Probst, M Reichert, ...
Digital Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing: New Developments in …, 2019
Efficient processing of geospatial mhealth data using a scalable crowdsensing platform
R Kraft, F Birk, M Reichert, A Deshpande, W Schlee, B Langguth, ...
Sensors 20 (12), 3456, 2020
Machine learning findings on geospatial data of users from the trackyourstress mhealth crowdsensing platform
R Pryss, D John, M Reichert, B Hoppenstedt, L Schmid, W Schlee, ...
2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration …, 2019
Foreword for digital phenotyping and mobile sensing
TR Insel
Digital phenotyping and mobile sensing: New developments in psychoinformatics, 2019
eSano – An eHealth Platform for Internet-and Mobile-based Interventions
R Kraft, AR Idrees, L Stenzel, T Nguyen, M Reichert, R Pryss, ...
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021
The effect of non-personalised tips on the continued use of self-monitoring mhealth applications
V Unnikrishnan, M Schleicher, Y Shah, N Jamaludeen, R Pryss, ...
Brain Sciences 10 (12), 924, 2020
Momentary assessment of tinnitus—How smart mobile applications advance our understanding of tinnitus
W Schlee, R Kraft, J Schobel, B Langguth, T Probst, MPCG Lourenco, ...
Digital Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing: New Developments in …, 2022
Comprehensive insights into the TrackYourTinnitus database
R Kraft, M Stach, M Reichert, W Schlee, T Probst, B Langguth, M Schickler, ...
Procedia Computer Science 175, 28-35, 2020
Design and implementation of a scalable crowdsensing platform for geospatial data of tinnitus patients
R Kraft, F Birk, M Reichert, A Deshpande, W Schlee, B Langguth, ...
2019 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2019
Finding tinnitus patients with similar evolution of their ecological momentary assessments
LP Muniandi, W Schlee, R Pryss, M Reichert, J Schobel, R Kraft, ...
2018 IEEE 31st international symposium on computer-based medical systems …, 2018
Dealing with inaccurate sensor data in the context of mobile crowdsensing and mhealth
R Kraft, F Hofmann, M Reichert, R Pryss
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26 (11), 5439-5449, 2022
Towards the interpretation of sound measurements from smartphones collected with mobile crowdsensing in the healthcare domain: an experiment with android devices
R Kraft, M Reichert, R Pryss
Sensors 22 (1), 170, 2021
Digital Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing, Studies in Neuroscience, Psychology and Behavioral Economics
H Baumeister, R Kraft, A Baumel, R Pryss, EM Messner
Springer International Publishing Cham, 2019
Persuasive e-health design for behavior change: Digital phenotyping and mobile sensing: new developments in psychoinformatics
H Baumeister, R Kraft, A Baumel, R Pryss, EM Messner
Berlin: Springer, 2019
Exploring the usability of an internet-based intervention and its providing eHealth platform in an eye-tracking study
AR Idrees, R Kraft, M Winter, AM Küchler, H Baumeister, R Reilly, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (7), 9621-9636, 2023
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