Domingo Verano-Tacoronte
Do current anti-cyberloafing disciplinary practices have a replica in research findings?: A study of the effects of coercive strategies on workplace Internet misuse
P Zoghbi Manrique de Lara, D Verano Tacoronte, JM Ting Ding
Internet Research 16 (4), 450-467, 2006
El teletrabajo y la mejora de la movilidad en las ciudades
D Verano-Tacoronte, H Suárez-Falcón, S Sosa-Cabrera
Investigaciones europeas de dirección y economía de la empresa 20 (1), 41-46, 2014
Investigating the effects of procedural justice on workplace deviance: Do employees' perceptions of conflicting guidance call the tune?
P Zoghbi‐Manrique de Lara, D Verano‐Tacoronte
International Journal of Manpower 28 (8), 715-729, 2007
Assessment of university students' oral communication competence through a reliable and valid scoring rubric
D Verano-Tacoronte, SM González-Betancor, A Bolívar-Cruz, ...
Revista Brasileira de Educação 21 (64), 39-60, 2016
A new approach to the best practices debate: are best practices applied to all employees in the same way?
S Melian Gonzalez, D Verano Tacoronte
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15 (1), 56-75, 2004
Self-assessment accuracy in higher education: The influence of gender and performance of university students
SM González-Betancor, A Bolívar-Cruz, D Verano-Tacoronte
Active Learning in Higher Education 20 (3), 1469787417735604, 2019
La movilidad urbana sostenible y su incidencia en el desarrollo turístico
H Suárez-Falcón, D Verano-Tacoronte, A García-Santana
Gestión y Ambiente 19 (1), 48, 2016
Is there more than one way to manage human resources in companies?
S Melián‐González, D Verano‐Tacoronte
Personnel Review 35 (1), 29-50, 2006
Human resources control systems and performance: the role of uncertainty and risk propensity
D Verano‐Tacoronte, S Melián‐González
International Journal of Manpower 29 (2), 161-187, 2008
Is university students’ self-assessment accurate?
A Bolívar-Cruz, D Verano-Tacoronte, SM González-Betancor
Sustainable learning in higher education: Developing competencies for the …, 2015
Self-assessment of the oral presentation competence: Effects of gender and student’s performance
A Bolívar-Cruz, D Verano-Tacoronte
Studies in Educational Evaluation 59 (December), 94-101, 2018
Assessing oral presentation skills in Electrical Engineering: Developing a valid and reliable rubric
I Galván-Sánchez, D Verano-Tacoronte, SM González-Betancor, ...
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 54 (1), 17-34, 2017
Procedural justice and workplace deviance: the mediating role of perceived normative conflict in work groups
P Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara, D Verano-Tacoronte, JM Ting-Ding
Evaluación y fomento de la competencia de comunicación oral de los estudiantes universitarios
A Bolívar-Cruz, N Dávila-Cárdenes, M Fernández-Monroy, ...
Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa 6 (1), 17, 2013
Estilos de dirección de RRHH dentro de las empresas: una cuestión de intensidad en la DRRHH
S Melián-González, D Verano-Tacoronte
Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, 151-192, 2008
Do self-efficacy, incentives and confidence in public speaking influence how students self-assess?/¿ Influyen la autoeficacia, los incentivos y la confianza para hablar en …
A Bolívar-Cruz, D Verano-Tacoronte, I Galván-Sánchez
Cultura y Educación 30 (3), 528-555, 2018
Self-assessment: A critical competence for Industrial Engineering
D Verano-Tacoronte, A Bolívar-Cruz, SM González-Betancor
Dyna 82 (194), 130-138, 2015
Implications of telework for organisational design: Research proposals from the virtual work perspective
D Verano Tacoronte, L Melián Alzola, M Fernández Monroy
Electronic Journal of Organisational Virtualness 5 (1), 1-25, 2003
La influencia de la retribución variable en el rendimiento de la empresa: una aplicación empírica al diseño de la retribución para la fuerza de ventas
D Verano-Tacoronte
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2003
La influencia del teletrabajo en la dirección y gestión de recursos humanos
S Sosa Cabrera, D Verano Tacoronte
Capital Humano, 2001
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