Steven Micklethwaite
Steven Micklethwaite
Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland
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Ground-based and UAV-Based photogrammetry: A multi-scale, high-resolution mapping tool for structural geology and paleoseismology
SP Bemis, S Micklethwaite, D Turner, MR James, S Akciz, ST Thiele, ...
Journal of structural geology 69, 163-178, 2014
Semi-automatic mapping of geological Structures using UAV-based photogrammetric data: An image analysis approach
Y Vasuki, EJ Holden, P Kovesi, S Micklethwaite
Computers & Geosciences 69, 22-32, 2014
Fault-segment rupture, aftershock-zone fluid flow, and mineralization
S Micklethwaite, SF Cox
Geology 32 (9), 813-816, 2004
Gold remobilisation and formation of high grade ore shoots driven by dissolution-reprecipitation replacement and Ni substitution into auriferous arsenopyrite
D Fougerouse, S Micklethwaite, AG Tomkins, Y Mei, M Kilburn, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 178, 143-159, 2016
Rapid, semi-automatic fracture and contact mapping for point clouds, images and geophysical data
ST Thiele, L Grose, A Samsu, S Micklethwaite, SA Vollgger, AR Cruden
Solid Earth 8 (6), 1241-1253, 2017
Active fault and shear processes and their implications for mineral deposit formation and discovery
S Micklethwaite, HA Sheldon, T Baker
Journal of Structural Geology 32 (2), 151-165, 2010
Magma plumbing systems: a geophysical perspective
C Magee, CTE Stevenson, SK Ebmeier, D Keir, JOS Hammond, ...
Journal of Petrology 59 (6), 1217-1251, 2018
Nanoscale gold clusters in arsenopyrite controlled by growth rate not concentration: Evidence from atom probe microscopy
D Fougerouse, SM Reddy, DW Saxey, WDA Rickard, A Van Riessen, ...
American Mineralogist 101 (8), 1916-1919, 2016
Review of drones, photogrammetry and emerging sensor technology for the study of dykes: Best practises and future potential
GM Dering, S Micklethwaite, ST Thiele, SA Vollgger, AR Cruden
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 373, 148-166, 2019
Progressive fault triggering and fluid flow in aftershock domains: Examples from mineralized Archaean fault systems
S Micklethwaite, SF Cox
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 250 (1-2), 318-330, 2006
Evidence for two stages of mineralization in West Africa’s largest gold deposit: Obuasi, Ghana
D Fougerouse, S Micklethwaite, S Ulrich, J Miller, B Godel, DT Adams, ...
Economic Geology 112 (1), 3-22, 2017
The where and how of faults, fluids and permeability–insights from fault stepovers, scaling properties and gold mineralisation
S Micklethwaite, A Ford, W Witt, HA Sheldon
Geofluids 15 (1-2), 240-251, 2015
Damage and permeability around faults: Implications for mineralization
HA Sheldon, S Micklethwaite
Geology 35 (10), 903-906, 2007
Mechanisms of faulting and permeability enhancement during epithermal mineralisation: Cracow goldfield, Australia
S Micklethwaite
Journal of Structural Geology 31 (3), 288-300, 2009
Quantified, multi-scale X-ray fluorescence element mapping using the Maia detector array: application to mineral deposit studies
LA Fisher, D Fougerouse, JS Cleverley, CG Ryan, S Micklethwaite, ...
Mineralium Deposita 50, 665-674, 2015
Aseismic refinement of orogenic gold systems
CR Voisey, D Willis, AG Tomkins, CJL Wilson, S Micklethwaite, ...
Economic Geology 115 (1), 33-50, 2020
Regional volcanism of northern Zealandia: post-Gondwana break-up magmatism on an extended, submerged continent
N Mortimer, PB Gans, S Meffre, CE Martin, M Seton, S Williams, ...
An interactive image segmentation method for lithological boundary detection: A rapid mapping tool for geologists
Y Vasuki, EJ Holden, P Kovesi, S Micklethwaite
Computers & Geosciences 100, 27-40, 2017
Strike‐slip fault terminations at seismogenic depths: The structure and kinematics of the Glacier Lakes fault, Sierra Nevada United States
JD Kirkpatrick, ZK Shipton, JP Evans, S Micklethwaite, SJ Lim, P McKillop
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B4), 2008
Insights into the mechanics of en-échelon sigmoidal vein formation using ultra-high resolution photogrammetry and computed tomography
ST Thiele, S Micklethwaite, P Bourke, M Verrall, P Kovesi
Journal of Structural Geology 77, 27-44, 2015
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