Anna Priante
Anna Priante
Rotterdam School of Management
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Identity and collective action via computer-mediated communication: A review and agenda for future research
A Priante, ML Ehrenhard, T van den Broek, A Need
New media & society 20 (7), 2647-2669, 2018
# WhoAmI in 160 characters? Classifying social identities based on twitter profile descriptions
A Priante, D Hiemstra, T van den Broek, A Saeed, M Ehrenhard, A Need
Proceedings of the First Workshop on NLP and Computational Social Science, 55-65, 2016
“Mo” Together or Alone? Investigating the Role of Fundraisers’ Networks in Online Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
A Priante, ML Ehrenhard, T van den Broek, A Need, D Hiemstra
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 1-24, 2021
The influence of network structure and prosocial cultural norms on charitable giving: A multilevel analysis of Movember’s fundraising campaigns in 24 countries
TA van den Broek, A Need, ML Ehrenhard, A Priante, D Hiemstra
Social networks 58, 128-135, 2019
The Role of Social Media Normative Interventions and Environmental Awareness in Intentions to Change Pro-Environmental Behaviors
A Vogelaar, A Priante
Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2728, 2021
Patient‐activist or ally? Assessing the effectiveness of conscience and beneficiary constituents in disease advocacy fundraising
ET Walker, T van den Broek, A Priante, ML Ehrenhard
Sociology of Health & Illness 45 (8), 1652-1672, 2023
Tweet your# mo and save a bro: Micro-mobilization dynamics and outcomes of online social movement campaigns
A Priante
University of Twente, 2019
The role of Online Identity on Donations to Nonprofit Organizations in Online Health Campaigns
A Priante, A Need, TA Van Den Broek, D Hiemstra
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 18639, 2018
How to Estimate and Reduce the Carbon Emissions of Your Algorithm?
E van Heck, M Baiwir, A Priante
Temporal Evolution of Communication Networks in Social Movements: Evidence from the Movember Health Campaign on Twitter
A Priante
ICIS 2021 Proceedings 7, 2021
Tweet, Frame and Repeat: Evidence on Individual Mobilization Outcomes from an Online Health Campaign
A Priante
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 14551, 2019
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