Cecile Devaud
Cecile Devaud
在 uwaterloo.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Assessment of the applicability of conditional moment closure to a lifted turbulent flame: first order model
CB Devaud, KNC Bray
Combustion and Flame 132 (1-2), 102-114, 2003
Modeling evaporation effects in conditional moment closure for spray autoignition
G Borghesi, E Mastorakos, CB Devaud, RW Bilger
Combustion Theory and Modelling 15 (5), 725-752, 2011
Buoyancy‐corrected k–ε models and large eddy simulation applied to a large axisymmetric helium plume
W Chung, CB Devaud
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 58 (1), 57-89, 2008
A new method of modeling the conditional scalar dissipation rate
CB Devaud, RW Bilger, T Liu
Physics of Fluids 16 (6), 2004-2011, 2004
Large eddy simulations (LES) including conditional source-term estimation (CSE) applied to two Delft-Jet-in-Hot-Coflow (DJHC) flames
JW Labahn, CB Devaud
Combustion and Flame 164, 68-84, 2016
Numerical simulation of the Delft-Jet-in-Hot-Coflow (DJHC) flame using conditional source-term estimation
JW Labahn, D Dovizio, CB Devaud
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (3), 3547-3555, 2015
RANS simulation of a turbulent premixed bluff body flame using conditional source-term estimation
D Dovizio, MM Salehi, CB Devaud
Combustion Theory and Modelling 17 (5), 935-959, 2013
Power and fuel economy optimizations of gasoline engines using hydraulic variable valve actuation system
Y Li, A Khajepour, C Devaud, K Liu
Applied Energy 206, 577-593, 2017
Doubly conditional source-term estimation (DCSE) applied to a series of lifted turbulent jet flames in cold air
D Dovizio, JW Labahn, CB Devaud
Combustion and Flame 162 (5), 1976-1986, 2015
A novel compression strategy for air hybrid engines
A Fazeli, A Khajepour, C Devaud
Applied energy 88 (9), 2955-2966, 2011
Realization of variable Otto-Atkinson cycle using variable timing hydraulic actuated valve train for performance and efficiency improvements in unthrottled gasoline engines
Y Li, A Khajepour, C Devaud
Applied energy 222, 199-215, 2018
Investigation of conditional source-term estimation applied to a non-premixed turbulent flame
JW Labahn, CB Devaud
Combustion Theory and Modelling 17 (5), 960-982, 2013
A Jacobian‐free Newton–Krylov method for thermalhydraulics simulations
A Ashrafizadeh, CB Devaud, NU Aydemir
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 77 (10), 590-615, 2015
Inverse analysis and regularisation in conditional source-term estimation modelling
JW Labahn, CB Devaud, TA Sipkens, KJ Daun
Combustion Theory and Modelling 18 (3), 474-499, 2014
Comparative study between conditional moment closure (CMC) and conditional source-term estimation (CSE) applied to piloted jet flames
JW Labahn, I Stanković, CB Devaud, B Merci
Combustion and Flame 181, 172-187, 2017
Doubly conditional source-term estimation (DCSE) for the modelling of turbulent stratified V-shaped flame
D Dovizio, CB Devaud
Combustion and Flame 172, 79-93, 2016
A Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) formulation including differential diffusion applied to a non-premixed hydrogen–air flame
MC Ma, CB Devaud
Combustion and Flame 162 (1), 144-158, 2015
Investigation of an inhomogeneous turbulent mixing model for conditional moment closure applied to autoignition
A Milford, CB Devaud
Combustion and flame 157 (8), 1467-1483, 2010
Experimental and numerical characterization of the flowfield in the large‐scale UW live fire research facility
CB Devaud, J Weisinger, DA Johnson, EJ Weckman
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 60 (5), 539-564, 2009
Assessment of the capabilities of FireFOAM to model large-scale fires in a well-confined and mechanically ventilated multi-compartment structure
D Le, J Labahn, T Beji, CB Devaud, EJ Weckman, A Bounagui
Journal of fire sciences 36 (1), 3-29, 2018
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