Automatic deployment of distributed software systems: Definitions and state of the art JP Arcangeli, R Boujbel, S Leriche Journal of Systems and Software 103, 198-218, 2015 | 86 | 2015 |
INCOME–multi-scale context management for the internet of things JP Arcangeli, A Bouzeghoub, V Camps, MF Canut, S Chabridon, ... Ambient Intelligence: Third International Joint Conference, AmI 2012, Pisa …, 2012 | 41 | 2012 |
OSIF: a framework to instrument, validate, and analyze simulations J Ribault, O Dalle, D Conan, S Leriche SIMUTools2010, 2010 | 26 | 2010 |
Transfert des savoirs: stratégies, moyens d’action, solutions adaptées à votre organisation D Grossemy, TK Srikantaiah, MED Koenig, M Rochette, DE McNabb, ... | 26 | 2008 |
MuSCa: A multiscale characterization framework for complex distributed systems S Rottenberg, S Leriche, C Taconet, C Lecocq, T Desprats 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 1657-1665, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Muscadel: A deployment dsl based on a multiscale characterization framework R Boujbel, S Rottenberg, S Leriche, C Taconet, JP Arcangeli, C Lecocq 2014 IEEE 38th International Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Djnn/Smala: A conceptual framework and a language for interaction-oriented programming M Magnaudet, S Chatty, S Conversy, S Leriche, C Picard, D Prun Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (EICS), 1-27, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
A middleware architecture for autonomic software deployment MEA Matougui, S Leriche ICSNC'12: The Seventh International Conference on Systems and Networks …, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
Flexible architectures of adaptive agents: the agentφ approach S Leriche, JP Arcangeli International journal of grid computing and multi agent systems (IJGCMAS) 1 …, 2010 | 17 | 2010 |
Une architecture pour les agents mobiles adaptables S Leriche, JP Arcangeli Actes des Journées Composants JC’2004, 2004 | 16 | 2004 |
Architectures à composants et agents pour la conception d’applications réparties adaptables S Leriche Toulouse, Thèse de doctorat, 2006 | 15 | 2006 |
A DSL for multi-scale and autonomic software deployment R Boujbel, JP Arcangeli, S Leriche IARIA, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
Adaptive autonomous agent models for open distributed systems S Leriche, JP Arcangeli 2007 International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information …, 2007 | 13 | 2007 |
Vers une définition d'un système réparti multi-échelle S Rottenberg, S Leriche, C Lecocq, C Taconet Ubimob'12: 8èmes journées francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité, 178-183, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
JAVACT 0.5. 0: principes, installation, utilisation et développement d’applications JP Arcangeli, V Hennebert, S Leriche, F Migeon, M Pantel rapport no IRIT/2004-5-R, 2004 | 10 | 2004 |
A framework for autonomic software deployment of multiscale systems R Boujbel, S Leriche, JP Arcangeli International Journal on Advances in Software 7 (1), 353-369, 2014 | 9 | 2014 |
Development of flexible peer-to-peer information systems using adaptable mobile agents JP Arcangeli, S Leriche, M Pantel Proceedings. 15th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems …, 2004 | 9 | 2004 |
Flexible architectures and agents for adaptive autonomic systems S Leriche, JP Arcangeli Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and …, 2007 | 8 | 2007 |
Un framework a composants et agents pour les applications reparties a grande echelle JP Arcangeli, S Leriche, M Pantel L'Objet (Paris) 12 (4), 103-132, 2006 | 7 | 2006 |
Vers un modèle d'agent flexible S Leriche, J Arcangeli JMAC 6, 49-59, 2006 | 6 | 2006 |