Hamilton Bean
Hamilton Bean
Professor, Communication, University of Colorado Denver
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Milling and public warnings
MM Wood, DS Mileti, H Bean, BF Liu, J Sutton, S Madden
Environment and Behavior 50 (5), 535-566, 2018
The study of mobile public warning messages: A research review and agenda
H Bean, J Sutton, BF Liu, S Madden, MM Wood, DS Mileti
Review of Communication 15 (1), 60-80, 2015
America’s ‘engagement’delusion: Critiquing a public diplomacy consensus
E Comor, H Bean
International Communication Gazette 74 (3), 203-220, 2012
Disaster warnings in your pocket: How audiences interpret mobile alerts for an unfamiliar hazard
H Bean, BF Liu, S Madden, J Sutton, MM Wood, DS Mileti
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 24 (3), 136-147, 2016
Is a picture worth a thousand words? The effects of maps and warning messages on how publics respond to disaster information
BF Liu, MM Wood, M Egnoto, H Bean, J Sutton, D Mileti, S Madden
Public Relations Review 43 (3), 493-506, 2017
Deconstituting al-Qa’ida: CCO theory and the decline and dissolution of hidden organizations
H Bean, RJ Buikema
Management Communication Quarterly 29 (4), 512-538, 2015
" This Is London": Cosmopolitan Nationalism and the Discourse of Resilience in the Case of the 7/7 Terrorist Attacks
H Bean, L Keränen, M Durfy
Rhetoric and Public Affairs 14 (3), 427-464, 2011
No more secrets: Open source information and the reshaping of US intelligence
H Bean
Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2011
Rhetorical and critical/cultural intelligence studies
H Bean
Intelligence and National Security 28 (4), 495-519, 2013
Organizational culture and US intelligence affairs
H Bean
Intelligence and National Security 24 (4), 479-498, 2009
Intelligence theory from the margins: questions ignored and debates not had
H Bean
Developing Intelligence Theory, 61-74, 2020
National resilience
H Bean
Journal of Applied Communication Research 46 (1), 23-25, 2018
Critical intelligence studies: introduction to the special issue
H Bean, P de Werd, C Ivan
Intelligence and National Security 36 (4), 467-475, 2021
The DNI's open source center: An organizational communication perspective
H Bean
International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 20 (2), 240-257, 2007
Comprehensive testing of imminent threat public messages for mobile devices
H Bean, B Liu, S Madden, D Mileti, J Sutton, M Wood
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism Rep, 2014
Food (in)security communication: a Journal of Applied Communication Research forum addressing current challenges and future possibilities
MK Schraedley, H Bean, SE Dempsey, MJ Dutta, KP Hunt, SR Ivancic, ...
Journal of Applied Communication Research 48 (2), 166-185, 2020
Mobile technology and the transformation of public alert and warning
H Bean
Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2019
Comprehensive testing of imminent threat public messages for mobile devices: Updated findings
M Wood, H Bean, B Liu, M Boyd
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism Rep, 2015
Exploring whether wireless emergency alerts can help impede the spread of Covid‐19
H Bean, N Grevstad, A Meyer, A Koutsoukos
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 30 (2), 185-203, 2022
On the aesthetic production of atmospheres: The rhetorical workings of biopower at The CELL
BL Ott, H Bean, K Marin
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 13 (4), 346-362, 2016
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