Joonghwa Lee
A double-edged sword? Predicting consumers’ attitudes toward and sharing intention of native advertising on social media
J Lee, S Kim, CD Ham
American Behavioral Scientist 60 (12), 1425-1441, 2016
Why people pass along online video advertising: From the perspectives of the interpersonal communication motives scale and the theory of reasoned action
J Lee, CD Ham, M Kim
Journal of Interactive Advertising 13 (1), 1-13, 2013
Exploring sharing behaviors across social media platforms
CD Ham, J Lee, JL Hayes, YH Bae
International Journal of Market Research 61 (2), 157-177, 2019
Norms in social media: The application of theory of reasoned action and personal norms in predicting interactions with Facebook page like ads
S Kim, J Lee, D Yoon
Communication Research Reports 32 (4), 322-331, 2015
Factors influencing the intention to watch online video advertising
J Lee, M Lee
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 14 (10), 619-624, 2011
Brand interactivity and its effects on the outcomes of advergame play
J Lee, H Park, K Wise
New media & society 16 (8), 1268-1286, 2014
Do you want me to watch this ad on social media?: The effects of norms on online video ad watching
J Lee, M Kim, CD Ham, S Kim
Journal of Marketing Communications 23 (5), 456-472, 2017
Balancing “we” and “I”: Self‐construal and an alternative approach to seeking uniqueness
D Song, J Lee
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 12 (6), 506-516, 2013
What’s cruel about cruelty free: An exploration of consumers, moral heuristics, and public policy
KB Sheehan, J Lee
Journal of Animal Ethics 4 (2), 1-15, 2014
Hey Alexa, why do we use voice assistants? The driving factors of voice assistant technology use
E Buteau, J Lee
Communication Research Reports 38 (5), 336-345, 2021
Canonical correlation analysis of online video advertising viewing motivations and access characteristics
J Lee, H Lee
new media & society 14 (8), 1358-1374, 2012
Understanding consumers’ creating behaviour in social media: an application of uses and gratifications and the theory of reasoned action
CD Ham, J Lee, HS Lee
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 8 (4), 241-263, 2014
Effects of prominent in-game advertising in mobile media: cognitive, affective, and behavioural outcomes and the moderating role of persuasion knowledge
S Kim, J Lee, Y Hwang, SH Jeong
International Journal of Mobile Communications 14 (3), 203-225, 2016
Social media advertising: The role of personal and societal norms in page like ads on Facebook
J Lee, S Kim
Journal of Marketing Communications 28 (3), 329-342, 2022
Native advertising in mobile applications: Thinking styles and congruency as moderators
H Park, S Kim, J Lee
Journal of Marketing Communications 26 (6), 575-595, 2020
Intrusive or relevant? Exploring how consumers avoid native facebook ads through decomposed persuasion knowledge
CD Ham, S Ryu, J Lee, UC Chung, E Buteau, S Sar
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 43 (1), 68-89, 2022
Do violent movies scare away potential visitors?
F Yang, B Vanden Bergh, J Lee
International journal of advertising 36 (2), 314-335, 2017
Discourse analysis of online product reviews: A discussion of digital consumerism and culture
H Park, J Lee
Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace 13 (2), 2019
Predicting the use of online video advertising: Using the theory of planned behavior
J Lee
Michigan State University. Advertising, 2008
Mobile game users' evaluations of in-game advertising: role of multitasking and persuasion knowledge
Y Hwang, J Lee, S Kim, SH Jeong
International Journal of Mobile Communications 16 (5), 557-572, 2018
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