Joakim Kulin
Joakim Kulin
Associate professor, Department of Sociology, Umeå University
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Political trust and the relationship between climate change beliefs and support for fossil fuel taxes: Evidence from a survey of 23 European countries
M Fairbrother, IJ Sevä, J Kulin
Global Environmental Change 59, 102003, 2019
Class, values, and attitudes towards redistribution: A European comparison
J Kulin, S Svallfors
European Sociological Review 29 (2), 155-167, 2013
Nationalist ideology, rightwing populism, and public views about climate change in Europe
J Kulin, I Johansson Sevä, RE Dunlap
Environmental politics 30 (7), 1111-1134, 2021
The role of government in protecting the environment: Quality of government and the translation of normative views about government responsibility into spending preferences
J Kulin, I Johansson Sevä
International Journal of Sociology 49 (2), 110-129, 2019
Who do you trust? How trust in partial and impartial government institutions influences climate policy attitudes
J Kulin, I Johansson Sevä
Climate Policy 21 (1), 33-46, 2021
Human values and welfare state support in Europe: an east–west divide?
J Kulin, B Meuleman
European Sociological Review 31 (4), 418-432, 2015
Chapter Six. Age, Class, and Attitudes Toward Government Responsibilities
S Svallfors, J Kulin, A Schnabel
Contested welfare states, 158-192, 2012
Bringing affect back in: Measuring and comparing subjective well-being across countries
F Fors, J Kulin
Social Indicators Research 127, 323-339, 2016
Immigration or welfare? The progressive’s dilemma revisited
J Kulin, MA Eger, M Hjerm
Socius 2, 2378023116632223, 2016
Quality of government and the relationship between environmental concern and pro-environmental behavior: a cross-national study
J Kulin, I Johansson Sevä
Environmental Politics 30 (5), 727-752, 2021
A Little More Action, Please: Increasing the Understanding about Citizens’ Lack of Commitment to Protecting the Environment in Different National Contexts
I Johansson Sevä, J Kulin
International Journal of Sociology 48 (4), 314-339, 2018
Values and welfare state attitudes: The interplay between human values, attitudes and redistributive institutions across national contexts
J Kulin
Sociologiska institutionen, Umeå Universitet, 2011
Worry about the coronavirus pandemic in Sweden
J Kulin, I Johansson Sevä, M Hjerm, F Fors
Sociologisk forskning 58 (1-2), 77-102, 2021
Values and attitudes towards redistribution: The impact of basic human values on support for welfare state redistribution in Great Britain, Germany and Sweden
J Kulin
seventh annual ESPAnet conference held in Urbino, Italy, 2009
What's Driving the Public? A Cross-Country Analysis of Political Attitudes, Human Values and Political Articulation
J Kulin, A Seymer
Sociological Research Online 19 (1), 145-158, 2014
The politicization of immigration and welfare: The progressive's dilemma, the rise of far-right parties, and challenges for the left
MA Eger, J Kulin
Handbook on Migration and Welfare, 230-254, 2022
The Social Trap that Might Destroy Us: Generalized Trust and the Link Between Environmental Concern and Civic Pro-environmental Behavior Across 32 Countries
J Kulin, IJ Seva
Penn State’s Field Guide to Teaching Sustainability, 2017
Out-of-home activities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden: Associations with subjective well-being and the moderating roles of age and personality
FF Connolly, M Hjerm, J Kulin, IJ Sevä
Personality and Individual Differences 226, 112678, 2024
Political trust and public support for climate policy in Europe: The role of perceptions about politicians’ competence and integrity
J Kulin, I Johansson Sevä, M Fairbrother
Environmental Research Communications, 2024
Rightwing populism and public opinion on the Covid‐19 pandemic in Sweden: The role of strategic party positioning and political cues
J Kulin, I Johansson Sevä
Scandinavian Political Studies, 2024
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