Mohamad Saripudin
Mohamad Saripudin
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Ritual budaya selama kehamilan di indonesia sebagai bentuk local wisdom dukungan sosial
R Rahmawati, AP Putra, DJ Lestari, M Saripudin
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan FKIP 3 (1), 502-514, 2020
Film as a medium for cultivating a culture of peace: Turning Red film review (2022)
M Saripudin, Ilfiandra, Y Sunarya
Media Asia 50 (1), 150-153, 2023
The Urgency of Developing Youth Career Resilience Through Guidance and Counseling as an Effort to Prepare for the Golden Generation 2045
M Saripudin, Y Sunarya, E Afiati, R Rahmawati
Indonesian Journal of Educational Counseling 6 (1), 1-7, 2022
Using Superheroes and Villains in Counseling and Play Therapy: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals: edited by Lawrence C. Rubin, New York, Routledge, 2019, 342 pp.,€ 34.99 …
M Saripudin, Y Sunarya
International Journal of Play 11 (1), 118-120, 2022
Family education starts from empowering women in communities: Seeing from the relationship between self-acceptance, happiness, and work-family balance
R Rahmawati, M Nyaphisi, M Saripudin
Gagasan Pendidikan Indonesia 2 (2), 81-92, 2021
Peningkatan Keterampilan Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Menyelenggarakan Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling Berorientasi Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): Sebuah …
E Afiati, R Zidny, R Rahmawati, AW Handoyo, M Saripudin
Jurnal Studi Kasus Kegiatan Masyarakat 1 (1), 1-7, 2023
Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Minat Siswa Kelas 11 Ipa Sman 1 Kramatwatu Terhadap Pembelajaran Matematika
A Nuraziza, ET Navisa, CN Aini, FD Lestari, AH Ghozali, DY Khaerun, ...
Berajah Journal 2 (4), 939-948, 2022
Early childhood peace education curriculum
M Saripudin, I Ilfiandra, Y Sunarya
International Conference on Education, 16-24, 2022
The Development of Adolescent Career Resilience Scale (ACRS): A Rash Model Analysis
E Afiati, N Faturoman, S Mohamad
The Development of Adolescent Career Resilience Scale (ACRS): A Rash Model …, 2022
Ethnopedagogy: Exploring Peaceful Traditions of Indonesia's Sundanese Indigenous Communities
M Saripudin
Educating for Peace through Countering Violence, 114-134, 2023
Designs for research, teaching, and learning: A framework for future education: Edited by Lisa Björklund Boistrup and Staffan Selander, Roudledge, New York, 2022, 182 pp.,£ 0 …
AH Hamdan, M Saripudin
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 60 (5), 795-796, 2023
The conception of war and peace in early childhood: a phenomenological analysis of kindergarten children in Banten, Indonesia
I Ilfiandra, M Saripudin
Journal of Peace Education 20 (3), 361-384, 2023
The Use of Transformative Learning Models in the Education of Prospective Guidance and Counselling Teachers
E Afiati, I Rosmilawati, AS Prabowo, AW Handoyo, M Saripudin
Deeper learning, dialogic learning, and critical thinking: research-based strategies for the classroom: edited by Emmanuel Manalo, London, Routledge, 2019, 386 pp.,£ 27.99 …
M Saripudin
Educational Review 75 (3), 587-588, 2023
Pemahaman Remaja Terhadap Pelecehan Seksual Di Provinsi Banten
E Afiati, AS Prabowo, AW Handoyo, M Saripudin
Jurnal Penelitian Bimbingan dan Konseling 8 (1), 2023
Program pelatihan kompetensi guru taman kanak-kanak untuk mengembangkan budaya damai pada anak usia dini
M Saripudin
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2022
Educating for Peace Through Countering Violence: Strategies in Curriculum and Instruction
CC Carter, RK Dhungana
Taylor & Francis, 2024
Book Review: Sicard Louise A., Exploring High-Risk Offender Treatment and the Role of Music Therapy
AN Laila, DR Kinanti Putri, M Saripudin
Psychology of Music 51 (6), 1638-1641, 2023
Pelatihan Perancangan Program Bimbingan & Konseling Yang Berwawasan Kebencanaan Pada Guru Bimbingan & Konseling di Provinsi Banten
AS Prabowo, E Afiati, RZ Dalimunthe, S Muhibah, M Saripudin, ...
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 4 (4), 3455-3461, 2023
Indonesian Muslim Students' Perception on the Concept of Peace, Characteristics of Peaceful People, and Non-Peaceful Experiences in Madrasah Aliyah
M Saripudin, AH Hamdan, N Asiah
Muslim Education Review 2 (1), 42-64, 2023
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