David Dorchies
David Dorchies
在 irstea.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
airGR: suite of GR hydrological models for precipitation-runoff modelling. R package version 1.6. 12
L Coron, O Delaigue, G Thirel, D Dorchies, C Perrin, C Michel
Optimal operation of the multireservoir system in the seine river basin using deterministic and ensemble forecasts
A Ficchì, L Raso, D Dorchies, F Pianosi, PO Malaterre, PJ Van Overloop, ...
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (1), 05015005, 2016
Flatness-based control of open-channel flow in an irrigation canal using scada [applications of control]
T Rabbani, S Munier, D Dorchies, PO Malaterre, A Bayen, X Litrico
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 29 (5), 22-30, 2009
Climate change impacts on multi-objective reservoir management: case study on the Seine River basin, France
D Dorchies, G Thirel, M Jay-Allemand, M Chauveau, F Dehay, PY Bourgin, ...
International Journal of River Basin Management 12 (3), 265-283, 2014
airGR: suite of GR hydrological models for precipitation-runoff modelling. R package version 1.7. 4
L Coron, O Delaigue, G Thirel, D Dorchies, C Perrin, C Michel
Optimal and centralized reservoir management for drought and flood protection on the Upper Seine–Aube river system using stochastic dual dynamic programming
L Raso, M Chiavico, D Dorchies
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 145 (3), 05019002, 2019
Sewer asset management: assessing criteria for a multicriteria decision support on a county level data base
C Werey, D Dorchies, I Mellac Beck
Joint int. conf. on Computing and decision making in civil and building …, 2006
Automatic tuning of robust PI controllers for a cascade of rivers or irrigation canals pools
PO Malaterre, D Dorchies, JP Baume
2014 European Control Conference (ECC), 2780-2785, 2014
Simulation study on the influence of roughness on the downstream automatic control of an irrigation canal
D Lozano, D Dorchies, G Belaud, X Litrico, L Mateos
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 138 (4), 285-293, 2012
Etude de l'applicabilité de l'outil d'aide à la décision RERAU pour la réhabilitation des réseaux d'assainissement sur l'inventaire du département du Bas-Rhin
D Dorchies
Mémoire de fin d’études, ENGEES Strasbourg, UMR Gestion des Services Publics, 2005
Hydraulic management of coastal freshwater marsh to conciliate local water needs and fish passage
L Guiot, L Cassan, D Dorchies, P Sagnes, G Belaud
Journal of Ecohydraulics 8 (1), 51-70, 2023
Climate change impacts on water resources and reservoir management in the Seine river basin (France)
D Dorchies, G Thirel, C Perrin, JC Bader, R Thepot, JL Rizzoli, C Jost, ...
La Houille Blanche, 32-37, 2016
Simulation and integration of control for canals software (sic 2), for the design and verification of manual or automatic controllers for irrigation canals
PO Malaterre, JP Baume, D Dorchies
USCID conference on planning, operation and automation of irrigation …, 2014
Vers une plus grande flexibilité temporelle du modèle opérationnel de prévision des crues GRP
J Viatgé, T Pinna, A Ficchì, C Perrin, D Dorchies, L Garandeau, F Tilmant
La Houille Blanche 105 (2), 72-80, 2019
SIC-2, un logiciel pour la gestion des canaux, rivières et fleuves
D Dorchies, JP Baume, PO Malaterre
Sciences Eaux & Territoires pour tous, 48-49, 2013
A centralized real time controller for reservoirs management on the Seine river using ensemble weather forecasting
A Ficchi
Politecnico di Milano, 2012
Short term reservoirs operation on the Seine River: performance analysis of Tree-Based Model Predictive Control
A Ficchi, L Raso, PO Malaterre, D Dorchies, M Jay-Allemand, F Pianosi, ...
Gestion patrimoniale des réseaux d’assainissement: étude d’applicabilité de l’outil d’aide à la décision RERAU pour la réhabilitation des réseaux En 2003, le conseil général du …
D Dorchies
Cet inventaire a permis le recueil de données sur la conduite (matériau …, 2005
Optimist: A python library for water system optimal operation and analysis using SDDP
L Raso, D Dorchies, J Kwakkel, PO Malaterre
Towards an enhanced temporal flexibility of the GRP flood forecasting operational model
J Viatge, T Pinna, A Ficchi, C Perrin, D Dorchies, L Garandeau, F Tilmant
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