Felix Würtz
The effects of modifying dysfunctional appraisals in posttraumatic stress disorder using a form of cognitive bias modification: Results of a randomized controlled trial in an …
ML Woud, SE Blackwell, L Shkreli, F Würtz, JC Cwik, J Margraf, ...
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 90 (6), 386-402, 2021
Scrambled but valid? The scrambled sentences task as a measure of interpretation biases in psychopathology: A systematic review and meta-analysis
F Würtz, L Zahler, SE Blackwell, J Margraf, M Bagheri, ML Woud
Clinical Psychology Review 93, 102133, 2022
Assessing trauma-related appraisals by means of a scenario-based approach
ML Woud, JC Cwik, RA de Kleine, SE Blackwell, F Würtz, J Margraf
Cognitive Therapy and Research 43, 185-198, 2019
Using cognitive bias modification-appraisal training to manipulate appraisals about the self and the world in analog trauma
F Würtz, J Krans, SE Blackwell, JC Cwik, J Margraf, ML Woud
Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1-15, 2021
Inducing positive involuntary mental imagery in everyday life: an experimental investigation
SE Blackwell, D Dooley, F Würtz, ML Woud, J Margraf
Memory 28 (9), 1157-1172, 2020
The relationship between the perception of major life events and depression: A systematic scoping review and meta-analysis
P Haehner, F Würtz, S Kritzler, M Kunna, M Luhmann, ML Woud
Journal of Affective Disorders, 2024
Effects of training body-related interpretations on panic-related cognitions and symptoms
F Würtz, S Steinman, SE Blackwell, FH Wilhelm, A Reinecke, D Adolph, ...
Cognitive therapy and research 47 (3), 494-509, 2023
Assessing interpretation biases in emotional psychopathology: An overview
F Würtz, A Sanchez-Lopez
Interpretational Processing Biases in Emotional Psychopathology: From …, 2023
The world dangerous it is—the scrambled sentences task in the context of posttraumatic stress symptoms
F Würtz, SE Blackwell, J Margraf, ML Woud
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 13 (3), 20438087221124737, 2022
The relationship between the perception of major life events and depression in adulthood: A scoping review
P Haehner, F Würtz, S Kritzler, M Kunna, M Luhmann, ML Woud
PsyArXiv, 2022
Cognitive Bias Modification bei Symptomen der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung
ML Woud, CE Wittekind, F Würtz
Verhaltenstherapie 32 (3), 139-147, 2022
Reduced Belief Updating in the Context of Depressive Symptoms: an Investigation of the Associations with Interpretation Biases and Self-Evaluation
F Würtz, T Kube, ML Woud, J Margraf, SE Blackwell
Cognitive Therapy and Research 48 (2), 225-241, 2024
Interpretation biases in anxiety–A three-level meta-analysis
F Würtz, M Kunna, C Lindgraf, S Blackwell, J Margraf, J Everaert, ...
PsyArXiv. https://doi. org/10.31234/osf. io/7zkvr, 2023
Perception of Major Life Events and Depression: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis
P Haehner, F Würtz, S Kritzler, M Kunna, M Luhmann, ML Woud
PsyArXiv. October 20, 2022
Reduced belief updating in the context of depressive symptoms
F Würtz, T Kube, M Woud, J Margraf, SE Blackwell
Assessment and modification of interpretational processing in psychopathology
F Würtz
Dissertation, Bochum, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2023, 2023
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