Moamen Ali
Moamen Ali
PhD in Petroleum Geoscience (Khalifa University)
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3D static modelling and petrographic aspect of the Albian/Cenomanian reservoir, Komombo Basin, Upper Egypt
MAE Moamen Ali, A. Abdelhady, Ahmed Abdelmaksoud, M. Darwish
Natural Resources Research, 23, 2019
3D structural, facies and petrophysical modeling of C member of Six Hills Formation, Komombo Basin, Upper Egypt
M Ali, A Abdelmaksoud, MA Essa, A Abdelhady, M Darwish
Natural Resources Research 29 (4), 2575-2597, 2020
Structural and Lithostratigraphic evolution of Al Baraka Oil field, Komombo Basin, Upper Egypt as deduce from 2D seismic lines and well logging data
A Mo’men, M Darwish, A Abdelhady, MA Essa
Journal of Basic and Environmental Sciences 2, 149-169, 2017
2D Seismic Interpretation and Characterization of the Hauterivian–Early Barremian Source Rock in Al Baraka Oil Field, Komombo Basin, Upper Egypt
AA Moamen Ali, M Darwish, Mahmoud A Essa
Jouranl of African Earth Sciences 139, 113-119, 2018
Unsupervised machine learning and multi-seismic attributes for fault and fracture network interpretation in the Kerry Field, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
A Ismail, AA Radwan, M Leila, A Abdelmaksoud, M Ali
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 9 (1), 122, 2023
Red Sea rifting in central Egypt: constraints from the offshore Quseir province
M Ali, A Decarlis, M Ligi, P Ball, W Bosworth, A Ceriani
Journal of the Geological Society 180 (2), jgs2022-105, 2023
Geophysical evidence for magmatism southwest of the Brothers Islands, Northern Red Sea (offshore Quseir, Egypt)
M Ali, M Ligi, A Ceriani, F Bouchaala, W Bosworth, A Decarlis
Tectonics, e2022TC007228, 2022
Tectonic evolution and subsidence history of the Cretaceous basins in southern Egypt: the Komombo Basin
M Ali, MY Ali, A Abdelhady, JD Fairhead
Basin Research, 2022
Three dimensional structural modelling and source rock evaluation of the Quseir Formation in Komombo Basin, Egypt
M Ali
Acta Geologica Sinica, 2020
Integrated sedimentological and petrophysical characterization of the lower Cenomanian clastic Bahariya reservoir in Abu Gharadig Basin, Western Desert, Egypt
MM Elhossainy, A Abdelmaksoud, M Ali, HA Alrefaee
Journal of African Earth Sciences 184, 104380, 2021
Case study of seismic interpretation in Al Baraka Oil field, Komombo Basin, Upper Egypt
M Ali
The fifth international conference for young scientist in basic and applied …, 2017
Comparison between source rock potential of the Dakhla formation in Komombo Basin and Gebel Duwi, Upper Egypt
M Ali, M Darwish, MA Essa, A Abdelhady
Arabian Journal of Geoscience 12, 613, 2019
Tectonostratigraphy and petroleum system analysis of Al Baraka Oil Field
M Ali
Komombo Basin, South Western Desert, Egypt (Master thesis 1-186), 2017
Birth of a large Quaternary volcanic edifice southwest of the Brothers Islets, northern Red Sea, Egyptian margin
M Ali, M Ligi, A Ceriani, F Bouchaala, W Bosworth, A Decarlis
Working Group on Mediterranean Ophiolites Conference 1, 2022
Geometry and kinematics of the Middle to Late Miocene salt tectonics, central Egyptian Red Sea margin
M Ali, H Koyi, W Bosworth, M Ligi, PJ Ball, A Decarlis
Journal of Structural Geology 176, 104955, 2023
Imaging Pleistocene volcanic edifices along the Egyptian Red Sea margin: Insights from reflection seismics and 3D constrained inversion of gravity and magnetic data
M Ali, A Decarlis, M Geng, W Bosworth, PJ Ball, M Ligi, A Ceriani
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 108038, 2024
Petroleum system analysis of the komombo basin, southern Egypt: Insights from basin modeling and hydrocarbon geochemistry
M Ali, MY Ali, A Abdelhady
Marine and Petroleum Geology 167, 106955, 2024
Rifting dynamics and margin architecture in Northern Red Sea, Egypt
ML Moamen Ali, Alessandro Decarlis, Andrea Ceriani
UAEGRSC 2021, 2, 2021
Contourite-Like Deposits Suggest Stronger-than-Present Circulation in the Plio-Pleistocene Red Sea
N Mitchell, M Ligi, J Preine, D Liebrand, M Ali, A Decarlis
Available at SSRN 4664682, 0
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