HyeongYeop Kang
HyeongYeop Kang
Assistant Professor of Korea University
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A user study on view-sharing techniques for one-to-many mixed reality collaborations
G Lee, HY Kang, JM Lee, JH Han
2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 343-352, 2020
Multi-resolution terrain rendering with GPU tessellation
HY Kang, H Jang, CS Cho, JH Han
The Visual Computer 31, 455-469, 2015
Obstacle detection and alert system for smartphone ar users
HY Kang, G Lee, JH Han
Proceedings of the 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2019
Flotation Simulation in a Cable-driven Virtual Environment--A Study with Parasailing
HY Kang, G Lee, S Kwon, O Kwon, S Kim, JH Han
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
SafeXR: alerting walking persons to obstacles in mobile XR environments
HY Kang, JH Han
The Visual Computer 36 (10), 2065-2077, 2020
Visual manipulation for underwater drag force perception in immersive virtual environments
HY Kang, G Lee, JH Han
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 38-46, 2019
Jumping further: Forward jumps in a gravity-reduced immersive virtual environment
HY Kang, G Lee, DS Kang, O Kwon, JY Cho, HJ Choi, JH Han
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 699-707, 2019
Terrain rendering with unlimited detail and resolution
HY Kang, Y Sim, JH Han
Graphical Models 97, 64-79, 2018
Interactive learning in the classroom: A mobile augmented reality assistance application for learning
JC Yoon, HY Kang
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 32 (5), e1989, 2021
VRCAT: VR collision alarming technique for user safety
SJ Chung, TH Lee, BR Jeong, JW Jeong, HY Kang
The Visual Computer 39 (7), 3145-3159, 2023
Vr-handnet: A visually and physically plausible hand manipulation system in virtual reality
DH Han, RU Lee, KM Kim, HY Kang
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023
Toward virtual stair walking
MY Seo, HY Kang
The Visual Computer 37 (9), 2783-2795, 2021
Feature-preserving procedural texture
HY Kang, J Han
The Visual Computer 33, 761-768, 2017
Multi-resolution Perlin Noise Decomposition and Procedural Texture Synthesis by Example
Y Sim, H Kang, J Han
Proceedings of HCI Korea, 382-388, 2016
Gravity control-based data augmentation technique for improving VR user activity recognition
D Han, C Lee, H Kang
Symmetry 13 (5), 845, 2021
SafeAR: AR alert system assisting obstacle avoidance for pedestrians
HY Kang, G Lee, JH Han
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct …, 2019
VR unseen gaze: inducing feeling of being stared at in virtual reality
CW Lee, S Jeon, W Hassan, HY Kang
Virtual Reality 27 (2), 1529-1548, 2023
VR Blowing: A Physically Plausible Interaction Method for Blowing Air in Virtual Reality
MY Seo, KE Kang, HY Kang
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023
DAMO: A Deep Solver for Arbitrary Marker Configuration in Optical Motion Capture
KM Kim, SW Seo, DH Han, HY Kang
ACM Transactions on Graphics 44 (1), 1-14, 2024
Holo-VQVAE: VQ-VAE for phase-only holograms
J Park, H Kang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.01330, 2024
文章 1–20