Widya Utama
Widya Utama
在 geofisika.its.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Heavy metal contents and magnetic properties of surface sediments in volcanic and tropical environment from Brantas River, Jawa Timur Province, Indonesia
M Mariyanto, MF Amir, W Utama, S Bijaksana, A Pratama, R Yunginger, ...
Science of the Total Environment 675, 632-641, 2019
Lithology discrimination from physical rock properties
M Bosch, M Zamora, W Utama
Geophysics 67 (2), 573-581, 2002
Application of microtremor HVSR method for assessing site effect in residual soil slope
DD Warnana, RAA Soemitro, W Utama
International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS 11 (4), 73-78, 2011
Analisis Data Well Log (Porositas, Saturasi Air, dan Permeabilitas) untuk menentukan Zona Hidrokarbon, Studi Kasus: Lapangan” ITS” Daerah Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara
D Irawan, W Utama, T Parafianto
Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya 5 (1), 090109| 1-7, 2009
Analisis Nilai Frekuensi Natural dan Amplifikasi Desa Olak Alen Blitar Menggunakan Metode Mikrotremor HVSR
N Sitorus, S Purwanto, W Utama
Jurnal Geosaintek 3 (2), 89-92, 2017
Environmental magnetism data of Brantas River bulk surface sediments, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
M Mariyanto, MF Amir, W Utama, S Bijaksana, A Pratama, R Yunginger, ...
Data in brief 25, 104092, 2019
Pemetaan Daerah Rawan Longsor Dengan Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis Studi Kasus Kabupaten Bondowoso
MFD Harto, A Rachman, M Aisyah, N Abigail, W Utama
Jurnal Geosaintek 3 (3), 161-166, 2017
Earthquake source parameters at the sumatran fault zone: Identification of the activated fault plane
M Kasmolan, BJ Santosa, JM Lees, W Utama
Central European Journal of Geosciences 2, 455-474, 2010
Eksplorasi geomagnetik untuk penentuan keberadaan pipa air di bawah permukaan bumi
W Utama, DD Warnana, S Bahri, A Hilyah
Jurnal Geosaintek 2 (3), 157-164, 2016
Characterization of spent bleaching earth as an adsorbent material for dye removal
A Yulikasari, E Nurhayati, W Utama, I Warmadewanthi
Journal of Ecological Engineering 23 (4), 2022
Analisis Citra Landsat ETM+ untuk Kajian Awal Penentuan Daerah Potensi Panas Bumi di Gunung Lamongan, Tiris, Probolinggo
W Utama, AS Bahri, DD Warnana
Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya 8 (1), 120103| 1-4, 2012
The Measurements of Water Intrusion through Cracks Propagation Inside Slopes to Explain the Cause of Slope Failure—Case Study of Embankment in the Sanggu-Buntok Airport …
S Alexsander, IB Mochtar, W Utama
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (EJGE) 22 (14), 5347-5362, 2017
Location analysis for petrol filling station based on stakeholders’ preference and seismic microzonation
BU Aulia, W Utama, PG Ariastita
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 227, 115-123, 2016
Distribution of trace elements, rare earth elements and ecotoxicity in sediments of the Kosva Bay, Perm Region (Russia)
E Ushakova, E Menshikova, S Blinov, S Vaganov, R Perevoshchikov
Journal of Ecological Engineering 23 (4), 1-16, 2022
Mapping of kendeng thrust active fault in east java using magnetotelluric method
W Lestari, A Widodo, DD Warnana, F Syaifuddin, W Utama, J Rochman
EAGE-HAGI 1st asia pacific meeting on near surface geoscience and …, 2018
Identifikasi Letak Cracks pada Bidang Longsor Menggunakan Metode Resistivitas 2D
AD Agustin, W Utama
Jurnal Teknik ITS 6 (1), C103-C105, 2017
Assessment to the soil-structure resonance using microtremor analysis on pare-east Java, Indonesia
DD Warnana, S Triwulan, W Utama
Asian Tran. Eng 1 (4), 6-12, 2011
Distribusi Sebaran Akuifer Air Tanah Menggunakan Data Resistivitas Metode Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Konfigurasi Schlumberger (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Palu Provinsi …
Y Syifaurrohman, W Utama, W Lestari, TMA Surya
Jurnal Geosaintek 4 (3), 113-122, 2018
Inventarisasi Potensi Kawasan Karst Pamekasan, Madura Utara
W Utama, K Wijaya, R Aldi
Jurnal Geosaintek 2 (3), 201-212, 2016
Penaksiran Resonansi Tanah dan Bangunan Menggunakan Analisis Mikrotremor Wilayah Surabaya Jawa Timur
D Aini, W Utama, A Bahri
Jurnal Teknik POMITS 1 (1), 1-5, 2012
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