Labor geographies: Workers and the landscapes of capitalism A Herod Guilford Press, 2001 | 934 | 2001 |
From a geography of labor to a labor geography: Labor's spatial fix and theGeography of capitalism A Herod Antipode 29 (1), 1-31, 1997 | 672 | 1997 |
Scale A Herod Routledge, 2010 | 525 | 2010 |
Reflections on interviewing foreign elites: praxis, positionality, validity, and the cult of the insider A Herod Geoforum 30 (4), 313-327, 1999 | 473 | 1999 |
Geographies of power: placing scale A Herod, MW Wright Wiley-Blackwell, 2008 | 449 | 2008 |
Organizing the landscape: geographical perspectives on labor unionism A Herod U of Minnesota Press, 1998 | 270 | 1998 |
Gender issues in the use of interviewing as a research method A Herod The Professional Geographer 45 (3), 305-317, 1993 | 264 | 1993 |
Review and positions: Global production networks and labour A Rainnie, A Herod, S McGrath-Champ Competition & Change 15 (2), 155-169, 2011 | 255 | 2011 |
Labor's spatial praxis and the geography of contract bargaining in the US east coast longshore industry, 1953–1989 A Herod Political Geography 16 (2), 145-169, 1997 | 252 | 1997 |
Scale: The Local and the Global¹ A Herod Key concepts in geography, 217, 2008 | 241 | 2008 |
The production of scale in United States labour relations A Herod Area, 82-88, 1991 | 236 | 1991 |
The practice of international labor solidarity and the geography of the global economy A Herod Economic Geography 71 (4), 341-363, 1995 | 206 | 1995 |
Placing scale: an introduction A Herod, MW Wright Geographies of power: Placing scale, 1-14, 2002 | 204 | 2002 |
Labor internationalism and the contradictions of globalization: Or, why the local is sometimes still important in a global economy A Herod Antipode 33 (3), 407-426, 2001 | 203 | 2001 |
Working space: why incorporating the geographical is central to theorizing work and employment practices A Herod, A Rainnie, S McGrath-Champ Work, employment and society 21 (2), 247-264, 2007 | 186 | 2007 |
The dirty work of neoliberalism: Cleaners in the global economy LLM Aguiar, A Herod John Wiley & Sons, 2006 | 175 | 2006 |
Unruly World? A Herod, GÓ Tuathail, S Roberts Taylor & Francis, 1998 | 157 | 1998 |
Labor as an agent of globalization and as a global agent A Herod Spaces of globalization: Reasserting the power of the local, 167-200, 1995 | 154 | 1995 |
Implications of just-in-time production for union strategy: Lessons from the 1998 General Motors-United Auto Workers dispute A Herod Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90 (3), 521-547, 2000 | 127 | 2000 |
Workers, space, and labor geography A Herod International Labor and Working-Class History 64, 112-138, 2003 | 125 | 2003 |