Global value chains and open networks: the case of Italian industrial districts M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria, S Micelli European Planning Studies 18 (3), 333-350, 2010 | 260 | 2010 |
From local networks of SMEs to virtual districts?: Evidence from recent trends in Italy M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria, S Micelli Research Policy 33 (10), 1509-1528, 2004 | 159 | 2004 |
Environmental Innovations and Internationalization: Theory and Practices M Chiarvesio, V De Marchi, E Di Maria Business Strategy and the Environment, 2014 | 147 | 2014 |
Early internationalizing firms: 2004–2018 R Romanello, M Chiarvesio Journal of International Entrepreneurship 17 (2), 172-219, 2019 | 107 | 2019 |
Internationalization of supply networks inside and outside clusters M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria International Journal of Operations & Production Management 29 (11), 1186-1207, 2009 | 79 | 2009 |
Exporters moving toward emerging markets: A resource-based approach G Bortoluzzi, M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria, R Tabacco International Marketing Review 31 (5), 2014 | 68 | 2014 |
Turning point: when born globals enter post-entry stage R Romanello, M Chiarvesio Journal of International Entrepreneurship 15 (2), 177-206, 2017 | 67 | 2017 |
Industry 4.0 Technologies and Internationalization: Insights from Italian Companies M Chiarvesio, R Romanello International Business in the Information and Digital Age, 357-378, 2018 | 62 | 2018 |
Artigianato e sistema locale S Albertini, M Chiarvesio, R Grandinetti, L Pilotti, M Rutigliano, ... Il ruolo dei servizi nel vantaggio competitivo delle imprese artigiane, 1999 | 47 | 1999 |
Processi di internazionalizzazione e strategie delle imprese distrettuali tra delocalizzazione e innovazione S Micelli, M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria Conference on the internationalisation of industrial districts, ICE, Rome, 20-21, 2003 | 39 | 2003 |
Oltre il distretto come sistema: le strategie delle imprese fra locale e globale M Chiarvesio, S Micelli Guelpa F., Micelli S., I distretti industriali del terzo millennio, Il …, 2007 | 31 | 2007 |
Modelli di sviluppo e strategie di internazionalizzazione delle imprese distrettuali italiane M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria, S Micelli Andarsene per continuare a crescere, 53-67, 2006 | 28 | 2006 |
Sourcing from Northern and Southern Countries: The Global Value Chain Approach Applied to Italian SMEs M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria, S Micelli Transition Studies Review 20 (3), 389-404, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
Industrial district firms do not smile: Structuring the value chain between local and global M Bettiol, C Burlina, M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria Breaking up the Global Value Chain 30, 269-291, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Industrial District Firms Do Not Smile: Structuring the Value Chain between Local and Global M Bettiol, C Burlina, M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria Breaking up the Global Value Chain: Opportunities and Consequences, 269-291, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Che cos' è il web marketing M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria Carocci, 2008 | 24 | 2008 |
Servitisation and performance in the business-to-business context: the moderating role of Industry 4.0 technologies G Bortoluzzi, M Chiarvesio, R Romanello, R Tabacco, V Veglio Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 33 (9), 108-128, 2022 | 22 | 2022 |
What happens after offshoring? A comprehensive framework M Bettiol, M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria, C Di Stefano, L Fratocchi International Business in a VUCA World: The Changing Role of States and Firms, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Innovation and internationalisation of Italian districts: exploitation of global competencies or transfer of local knowledge M Chiarvesio, E Di Maria, S Micelli Regional Studies Association International Conference,“Reinventing Regions …, 2003 | 21 | 2003 |
Reti e nuove tecnologie nei distretti industriali del Nord Est. I risultati dell’Osservatorio Tedis M Chiarvesio, S Micelli Micelli S., Di Maria E.(a cura di), Distretti industriali e tecnologie di …, 2000 | 21 | 2000 |