Hadijah Ally Mbwana
Hadijah Ally Mbwana
Senior Lecturer, Department of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences
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Determinants of stunting and severe stunting among under-fives in Tanzania: evidence from the 2010 cross-sectional household survey
L Chirande, D Charwe, H Mbwana, R Victor, S Kimboka, AI Issaka, ...
BMC pediatrics 15, 1-13, 2015
Determinants of household dietary practices in rural Tanzania: Implications for nutrition interventions
HA Mbwana, J Kinabo, C Lambert, HK Biesalski
Cogent Food & Agriculture 2 (1), 1224046, 2016
Assessment of post-harvest handling practices: knowledge and losses of fruits in Bagamoyo district of Tanzania
GA Kereth, M Lyimo, HA Mbwana, RJ Mongi, CC Ruhembe
Food Science and Quality Management 11, 2013
Consumption of dark green leafy vegetables predicts vitamin A and iron intake and status among female small-scale farmers in Tanzania
W Stuetz, V Gowele, J Kinabo, N Bundala, H Mbwana, C Rybak, L Eleraky, ...
Nutrients 11 (5), 1025, 2019
Factors influencing stunting among children in rural Tanzania: an agro-climatic zone perspective
HA Mbwana, J Kinabo, C Lambert, HK Biesalski
Food Security 9, 1157-1171, 2017
Expert-based ex-ante assessments of potential social, ecological, and economic impacts of upgrading strategies for improving food security in rural Tanzania using the ScalA-FS …
F Graef, G Uckert, J Schindler, HJ König, HA Mbwana, A Fasse, ...
Food Security 9, 1255-1270, 2017
Exclusive breastfeeding: Mothers’ awareness and healthcare providers’ practices during antenatal visits in Mvomero, Tanzania
HA Mbwana, C Conlon, P Hurst
International Journal of Nutrition and metabolism 5 (3), 40-49, 2013
Status and scope of kitchen gardening of green leafy vegetables in rural Tanzania: implications for nutrition interventions
C Rybak, HA Mbwana, M Bonatti, S Sieber, K Müller
Food Security 10, 1437-1447, 2018
Indigenous knowledge in food system transformations
D Vijayan, D Ludwig, C Rybak, H Kaechele, H Hoffmann, HC Schönfeldt, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 213, 2022
Comparing stakeholder views for mutual acceptable food value chain upgrading strategies in Tanzania
L Mwinuka, I Schneider, C Maeda, KD Mutabazi, J Makindara, F Graef, ...
African Journal of Agricultural Research 10 (12), 1376-1385, 2015
Social organization, constraints and opportunities for kitchen garden implementation: ScalA and ScalA-FS assessment tools in Morogoro and Dodoma, Tanzania
M Bonatti, LHIR Homem, F Graef, HA Mbwana, C Rybak, M Lana, ...
Food security 9, 1299-1308, 2017
Multi-disciplinary North-South collaboration in participatory action research on food value chains: A German-Tanzanian case study on perceptions, experiences and challenges
F Graef, KD Mutabazi, S Sieber, F Asch, B Makoko, M Bonatti, M Brüntrup, ...
Systemic Practice and Action Research 32, 359-378, 2019
Consumption of dark green leafy vegetables predicts vitamin A and iron intake and status among female small-scale farmers in Tanzania. Nutrients. 2019; 11: 1025
W Stuetz, V Gowele, J Kinabo, N Bundala, H Mbwana, C Rybak, L Eleraky, ...
Epub 2019/05/10. doi: 10.3390/nu11051025. PubMed PMID: 31067775, 0
Fuel scarcity or household wealth? Assessing the drivers of cooking energy consumption patterns in rural areas in East Africa
CE Matavel, H Hoffmann, JM Hafner, HK Kipkulei, G Uckert, J Kaingo, ...
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 32 (1), 12-25, 2023
Anthropometrics, hemoglobin status and dietary micronutrient intake among Tanzanian and Mozambican pigeon pea farmers
L Eleraky, R Issa, S Maciel, H Mbwana, C Rybak, J Frank, W Stuetz
Nutrients 14 (14), 2914, 2022
High prevalence of overweight and its association with mid-upper arm circumference among female and male farmers in Tanzania and Mozambique
L Eleraky, R Issa, S Maciel, H Mbwana, C Rybak, J Frank, W Stuetz
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (17), 9128, 2021
Consumer behavior and consumption practices towards less documented wild leafy vegetables among rural households in Dodoma Region, Tanzania
HA Mbwana
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology 4 (4 …, 2019
Women’s insights on anaemia and the impact of nutrition training: An intervention study among rural women in Dodoma, Tanzania
HA Mbwana
Cogent food & agriculture 6 (1), 1855704, 2020
Analysing and enhancing food quality and consumption practices; minimizing quality losses related to food processing
C Lambert, HK Biesalski, H Mbwana, J Kinabo
Trans.-SEC Proj. Report., Deliv 5, 1-37, 2015
Tackling food and nutrition insecurity in Tanzania: farmers perspectives on kitchen gardening as a sustainable approach
H Mbwana, C Lambert, J Kinabo, H Konrad
DITSL GmbH, Witzenhausen, German, Tropentag Conference, 2015
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