Antonio Franco Salas
Antonio Franco Salas
Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universidad de Sevilla
在 us.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Vertical greening systems and sustainable cities
L Pérez-Urrestarazu, R Fernández-Cañero, A Franco-Salas, G Egea
Journal of Urban Technology 22 (4), 65-85, 2015
Aerodynamic analysis and CFD simulation of several cellulose evaporative cooling pads used in Mediterranean greenhouses
A Franco, DL Valera, A Pena, AM Pérez
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 76 (2), 218-230, 2011
Influence of an active living wall on indoor temperature and humidity conditions
L Pérez-Urrestarazu, R Fernández-Cañero, A Franco, G Egea
Ecological Engineering 90, 120-124, 2016
Energy Efficiency in Greenhouse Evaporative Cooling Techniques: Cooling Boxes versus Cellulose Pads
A Franco, DL Valera, A Peña
Energies 7 (3), 1427-1447, 2014
Assessment of the cooling potential of an indoor living wall using different substrates in a warm climate
R Fernández-Cañero, LP Urrestarazu, A Franco Salas
Indoor and Built Environment 21 (5), 642-650, 2012
Influence of water and air flow on the performance of cellulose evaporative cooling pads used in Mediterranean greenhouses
A Franco, DL Valera, A Madueno, A Peña
Transactions of the ASABE 53 (2), 565-576, 2010
Wind tunnel analysis of artificial substrates used in active living walls for indoor environment conditioning in Mediterranean buildings
A Franco, R Fernández-Cañero, L Pérez-Urrestarazu, DL Valera
Building and Environment 51, 370-378, 2012
Optimal operation of evaporative cooling pads: A review
A Tejero-González, A Franco-Salas
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111632, 2021
Irrigation systems evaluation for living walls
L Pérez-Urrestarazu, G Egea, A Franco-Salas, R Fernández-Cañero
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 140 (4), 04013024, 2014
Volatile organic compounds removal by means of a felt-based living wall to improve indoor air quality
GP Suárez-Cáceres, R Fernández-Cañero, AJ Fernández-Espinosa, ...
Atmospheric Pollution Research 12 (3), 224-229, 2021
Lighting systems evaluation for indoor living walls
G Egea, L Pérez-Urrestarazu, J González-Pérez, A Franco-Salas, ...
Urban forestry & urban greening 13 (3), 475-483, 2014
Multidisciplinary education for new landscape engineering concepts using problem-based collaborative learning. A case study in Spain
L Pérez Urrestarazu, R Fernández Cañero, A Franco Salas
Tempus Publications, 2011
Refrigeration Capacity and Effect of Ageing on the Operation of Cellulose Evaporative Cooling Pads, by Wind Tunnel Analysis
A Franco-Salas, A Peña-Fernández, DL Valera-Martínez
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (4690 …, 2019
Ajardinamiento de fachadas y jardines verticales: otras formas de jardinería aplicadas a un desarrollo urbano más sostenible
R Fernández-Cañero, N Pérez, S Quevedo, L Pérez, A Franco
I Simposio Iberoamericano-IV Jornadas Ibéricas de Horticultura Ornamental …, 2008
Improving the performance of felt-based living wall systems in terms of irrigation management
MP Kaltsidi, R Fernández-Cañero, A Franco-Salas, L Pérez-Urrestarazu
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 54, 126782, 2020
Direct evaporative cooling from wetted surfaces: Challenges for a clean air conditioning solution
A Tejero‐González, A Franco‐Salas
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment 11 (3), e423, 2022
The use of green covers to conserve soil and water in a water harvesting system within an olive orchard.
F Pelegrín, A Madueño, A Franco, F Moreno, IF Girón, JE Fernández
Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y trabajo en equipo: experiencia de innovación docente en hidráulica para graduados en ingeniería agrícola. I Seminario Iberoamericano de …
G Egea, L Pérez-Urrestarazu, A Franco-Salas
I Seminario Iberoamericano de Innovación Docente de la Universidad Pablo de …, 2015
Optimal_operation_evaporative_cooling_pads_review_ [dataset]
A Tejero González, A Franco Salas
Improving_performance_felt-based_livingwall_irrigation [dataset]
MP Kaltsidi, R Fernández Cañero, A Franco Salas, L Pérez Urrestarazu
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