Vadim Gureyev
Vadim Gureyev
Государственная публичная научно-техническая библиотека СО РАН
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Alternative Approaches to Assessing Scientific Results
NA Mazov, VN Gureev
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 85 (1), 26-32, 2015
Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals as a Subject of Scientometric Research: A Literature Review
NA Mazov, VN Gureyev
Scientific and Technical Information Processing 43 (3), 144-153, 2016
Assessment of the Relevance of Journals in Research Libraries Using Bibliometrics (a Review)
VN Gureev, NA Mazov
Scientific and Technical Information Processing 42 (1), 30-40, 2015
Russian Publications and Journals on Earth Sciences in International Databases
NA Mazov, VN Gureev, MI Epov
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 85 (1), 20-25, 2015
The methodological basis of defining research trends and fronts
NA Mazov, VN Gureev, VN Glinskikh
Scientific and Technical Information Processing 47 (4), 221-231, 2020
The Role of Unique Identifiers in Bibliographic Information Systems
NA Mazov, VN Gureev
Scientific and Technical Information Processing 41 (3), 206-210, 2014
Публикации любой ценой?
НА Мазов, ВН Гуреев
Вестник Российской академии наук 85 (7), 627-631, 2015
Some Assessments of the List of Journals in the Russian Science Citation Index
NA Mazov, VN Gureev, NE Kalenov
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 88 (2), 133-141, 2018
Review and analysis of publications on scientific mobility: assessment of influence, motivation, and trends
VN Gureyev, NA Mazov, DV Kosyakov, AE Guskov
Scientometrics 124 (2), 1599-1630, 2020
On the Development of a Plagiarism Detection Model Based on Citation Analysis Using a Bibliographic Database
NA Mazov, VN Gureev, DV Kosyakov
Scientific and Technical Information Processing 43 (4), 237–241, 2016
Новые методы формирования публикационного профиля научной организации в сети науки
НА Мазов, ВН Гуреев
Научные и технические библиотеки, 42-48, 2013
Изучение информационных потребностей ученых с использованием библиометрического анализа для оптимизации комплектования
ВН Гуреев, НА Мазов
Библиосфера, 57-66, 2012
Unethical authorship in scientific publications (A review of the problem)
VN Gureev, IG Lakizo, NA Mazov
Scientific and Technical Information Processing 46 (4), 219–232, 2019
Detection of Information Requirements of Researchers Using Bibliometric Analyses to Identify Target Journals
VN Gureyev, NA Mazov
Information Technology and Libraries 32 (4), 66-77, 2013
Citation Analysis as a Basis for the Development of an Additional Module in Antiplagiarism Systems
VN Gureev, NA Mazov
Scientific and Technical Information Processing 40 (4), 264-267, 2013
Bibliometric indicators of scientific journals and editorial board members (based on the example of Russian journals on Earth Sciences)
NA Mazov, VN Gureev, DV Metelkin
Scientific and Technical Information Processing 45 (4), 271–281, 2018
Публикационный вклад редколлегии в библиометрические показатели научного журнала (информационно-библиотечная область)
НА Мазов, ВН Гуреев
Научные и технические библиотеки, 33-58, 2020
Themes of the Publications of an Organization as a Basis for Forming an Objective and Optimal Repertoire of Scientific Periodicals
VN Gureev, NA Mazov
Scientific and Technical Information Processing 40 (4), 195-204, 2013
Проблемы идентификации метаданных в наукометрических базах данных Web of Knowledge, Scopus и РИНЦ на примере профилей авторов
НА Мазов, ВН Гуреев
Библиотеки и информационные ресурсы в современном мире науки, культуры …, 2012
Russian bioscience publications and journals in international bibliometric databases
VN Gureyev, NA Mazov, LI Karpenko
Serials Review 41 (2), 77-84, 2015
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