Benjamin W. Toulson
Benjamin W. Toulson
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
在 uci.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Angular momentum in rotating superfluid droplets
SMO O’Connell, RMP Tanyag, D Verma, C Bernando, W Pang, C Bacellar, ...
Physical review letters 124 (21), 215301, 2020
Competing pathways in the near-UV photochemistry of acetaldehyde
BW Toulson, KM Kapnas, DA Fishman, C Murray
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (22), 14276-14288, 2017
Near-UV photodissociation dynamics of CH 2 I 2
BW Toulson, JP Alaniz, JG Hill, C Murray
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (16), 11091-11103, 2016
Shapes of rotating normal fluid versus superfluid droplets in molecular beams
D Verma, SMO O’Connell, AJ Feinberg, S Erukala, RMP Tanyag, ...
Physical Review B 102 (1), 014504, 2020
Probing ultrafast C–Br bond fission in the UV photochemistry of bromoform with core-to-valence transient absorption spectroscopy
BW Toulson, M Borgwardt, H Wang, F Lackner, AS Chatterley, ...
Structural Dynamics 6 (5), 2019
X-ray diffractive imaging of highly ionized helium nanodroplets
AJ Feinberg, F Laimer, RMP Tanyag, B Senfftleben, Y Ovcharenko, ...
Physical Review Research 4 (2), L022063, 2022
Photodissociation dynamics of acetone studied by time-resolved ion imaging and photofragment excitation spectroscopy
BW Toulson, DA Fishman, C Murray
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (4), 2457-2469, 2018
Decomposing electronic and lattice contributions in optical pump–X-ray probe transient inner-shell absorption spectroscopy of CuO
J Mahl, S Neppl, F Roth, M Borgwardt, C Saladrigas, B Toulson, J Cooper, ...
Faraday discussions 216, 414-433, 2019
Aggregation of solutes in bosonic versus fermionic quantum fluids
AJ Feinberg, D Verma, SMO O’Connell-Lopez, S Erukala, RMP Tanyag, ...
Science Advances 7 (50), eabk2247, 2021
Decomposing the first absorption band of OCS using photofragment excitation spectroscopy
BW Toulson, C Murray
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 (34), 6745-6752, 2016
Spectral imaging at high definition and high speed in the mid-infrared
D Knez, BW Toulson, A Chen, MH Ettenberg, H Nguyen, EO Potma, ...
Science advances 8 (46), eade4247, 2022
Removal of correlated background in a high-order harmonic transient absorption spectra with principal component regression
D Faccialà, BW Toulson, O Gessner
Optics Express 29 (22), 35135-35148, 2021
UV photodissociation dynamics of CHI 2 Cl and its role as a photolytic precursor for a chlorinated Criegee intermediate
KM Kapnas, BW Toulson, ES Foreman, SA Block, JG Hill, C Murray
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (46), 31039-31053, 2017
Probing C–I bond fission in the UV photochemistry of 2-iodothiophene with core-to-valence transient absorption spectroscopy
BW Toulson, D Hait, D Faccialà, DM Neumark, SR Leone, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 159 (3), 2023
Ultrashort XUV pulse absorption spectroscopy of partially oxidized cobalt nanoparticles
A Schiffmann, BW Toulson, D Knez, R Messner, M Schnedlitz, M Lasserus, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (18), 2020
Attosecond spectroscopy of ultrafast carrier dynamics in nanoparticles
F Lackner, JA Gessner, F Siegrist, A Schiffmann, R Messner, M Lasserus, ...
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, M4A. 13, 2020
Photo-induced dynamics in bromoform molecules studied by femtosecond XUV transient absorption spectroscopy
F Lackner, AS Chatterley, BW Toulson, DM Neumark, SR Leone, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 205, 06003, 2019
Bifurcation of UV-induced reaction pathways in bromoform probed with ultrafast electron diffraction
L Hoffmann, B Toulson, P Nunes, M Centurion, MF Lin, A Attar, J Yang, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
UV-induced Dissociation Dynamics of Bromoform Probed by Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
L Hoffmann, B Toulson, P Nunes, M Centurion, MF Lin, A Attar, J Yang, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2023 …, 2023
UV-induced dissociation dynamics of bromoform probed by Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
L Hoffmann, B Toulson, P Nunes, M Centurion, MF Lin, A Attar, M Zuerch, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2022 …, 2022
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