Monae Verbeke
Monae Verbeke
Institute for Learning Innovation
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Household food security in the UK: a review of food aid-final report
H Lambie-Mumford, D Crossley, E Jensen, M Verbeke, E Dowler
Defra, 2014
Preaching to the scientifically converted: evaluating inclusivity in science festival audiences
EB Kennedy, EA Jensen, M Verbeke
International Journal of Science Education, Part B 8 (1), 14-21, 2018
Conceptualizing early childhood STEM interest development as a distributed system: A preliminary framework
SA Pattison, GN Svarovsky, P Corrie, M Benne, V Nuñez, LD Dierking, ...
National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, 2016
Looking back to think ahead: Reflections on science festival evaluation and research
K Peterman, M Verbeke, K Nielsen
Visitor Studies 23 (2), 205-217, 2020
Household Food Security in the UK: A Review of Food Aid,. Department for the Environment
H Lambie-Mumford, D Crossley, E Jensen, M Verbeke, E Dowler
Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), 2014
A study of rural librarians’ self-efficacy in facilitating and developing adult science programs
M Verbeke, JH Falk, K Brown, D Meier
The Library Quarterly 89 (2), 116-136, 2019
Science festivals preach to the choir
EA Jensen, EB Kennedy, M Verbeke
Nature 528 (7581), 193-193, 2015
Board# 110: Head Start on Engineering: Early Findings (Work in Progress)
GN Svarovsky, SA Pattison, M Verbeke, M Benne, PG Corrie
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017
Demographics, interests, and motivations of participants in a long-term citizen science project
GR Goldsmith, TM Crimmins, D Haas, M Roush, M Verbeke
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, ED33B-1013, 2019
The case of close encounters with London Zoo’s penguins: a sociocultural analysis of the construction of environmental perspectives
M Verbeke
University of Warwick, 2015
Expedition VRctica: Story-based virtual reality experiences to engage new audiences in polar science
JD Madsen, D Gagnon, K Pronto, D Roman, T Tangen, R Tredinnick, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, ED52A-07, 2022
Waddle: Developing Empathy for Adélie Penguins By Direct Embodiment in Virtual Reality
DJ Gagnon, K Ponto, M Verbeke, M Nathan, K Kopp, R Tredinnick
Joint International Conference on Serious Games, 227-233, 2023
Waddle: using virtual penguin embodiment as a vehicle for empathy and informal learning
K Ponto, R Tredinnick, M Verbeke, K Kopp, L Swanson, D Gagnon
Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2023
The Case of Close Encounters with London Zoo {u2019} s Penguins: A Sociocultural Analysis of the Construction of Environmental Perspectives
MC Verbeke
University of Warwick, 2016
Evaluating the effectiveness of engaging the public in nature conservation at Niabi Zoo
MC Verbeke
Western Illinois University, 2011
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