Chadwick J. Miller
Chadwick J. Miller
Associate Professor of Marketing
在 wsu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Ceding and succeeding: How the altruistic can benefit from the selfish in joint decisions
M Lowe, H Nikolova, CJ Miller, SL Dommer
Journal of Consumer Psychology 29 (4), 652-661, 2019
Trading on up: An examination of factors influencing the degree of upgrade: Evidence from cash for clunkers
CJ Miller, MA Wiles, S Park
Journal of Marketing 83 (1), 151-172, 2019
Product line extension in consumer software markets in the presence of free alternatives
A Baird, CJ Miller, TS Raghu, RK Sinha
Information Systems Research 27 (2), 282-301, 2016
Advertising, incentives, and the upsell: How advertising differentially moderates customer-vs. retailer-directed price incentives’ impact on consumers’ preferences for premium …
CJ Miller, DC Brannon, J Salas, M Troncoza
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 49 (6), 1043-1064, 2021
Pursuing premium: Comparing pre-owned versus new durable markets
CJ Miller, DC Brannon
Journal of Product & Brand Management 31 (1), 1-15, 2022
What’s my age again? The influence of subjective age on consumer health-related attitudes
D Brannon, CJ Miller
Health Marketing Quarterly 36 (3), 254-270, 2019
Proximal and contagious indexicality: Unpacking the meanings of celebrity-owned objects
JL Lastovicka, CJ Miller
Research in consumer behavior, 317-332, 2012
Longitudinal upgrades and asymmetric effects of satisfaction and perceived-value
CJ Miller, L Sajtos, KN Lemon, J Salas, M Troncoza, L Ostrom
Journal of Services Marketing 37 (4), 478-495, 2023
Pink tasks: Feminists and their preferences for premium beauty products
ML Harrold, CJ Miller, AW Perkins
Psychology & Marketing 40 (8), 1658-1671, 2023
Activity apprehension in experiential purchases
CJ Miller, A Samper, N Mandel, DC Brannon, J Salas, M Troncoza
Journal of Services Marketing 35 (4), 516-534, 2021
The differential impact of uncertainty on the evaluation of material and experiential purchases
I Gallo, CJ Miller, N Haghighi, TD Gilovich
Marketing Letters 35 (2), 187-203, 2024
A Longitudinal Examination of the Relationship Between National-Level Per Capita Advertising Expenditure and National-Level Life Satisfaction Across 76 Countries
MA Wiles, S Janani, D Fotheringham, CJ Miller
Marketing Science 43 (3), 542-563, 2024
When Identity Comes with Strings: Nonvoluntary Identity Maintenance and Conflicting Identities
M Harrold, C Miller, A Perkins
Advances in Consumer Research 49, 474-475, 2021
When the Two of Us Care Too Much for Each Other: Subversive Effects of Altruism in Joint Dyadic Decisions.
H Nikolova, S Dommer, C Miller, M Lowe
Advances in Consumer Research 45, 2017
How To Do, When To Do, What To Do: The Experiential Consumption Process
CJ Miller
Advances in Consumer Research 43, 127-131, 2015
How To Do, When To Do, What To Do: The Experiential Consumption Process
I Gallo, S Sood, T Mann, T Gilovich, A Kumar, CJ Miller, A Samper, ...
Advances in Consumer Research 43, 2015
Simply Desirable, Preferably Complex: Feature-Richness in Experiential Purchases
C Miller, A Samper, N Mandel
ACR North American Advances, 2015
Less is more, until it isn't: feature-richness in experiential purchases
CJ Miller
Arizona State University, 2015
What's My Age Again? Subjective Versus Physical Age Feedback Moderates Consumer Health-Related Behavior
D Brannon, CJ Miller, A Samper
ACR North American Advances, 2014
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