Jhon  Edwin Vera Vera
Jhon Edwin Vera Vera
Investigador , Universidad ECCI
在 ecci.edu.co 的电子邮件经过验证
Flood monitoring and change detection based on unsupervised image segmentation and fusion in multitemporal SAR imagery
J Avendano, SF Mora, JE Vera, JA Torres, FA Prieto
2015 12th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing …, 2015
Design of a bandpass filter using microstrip Hairpin resonators
S Mora, Y Alonso, N Vargas, J Vera, J Avendano
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information …, 2017
Low-cost radar receiver for european space surveillance
H Wilden, C Kirchner, O Peters, A Brenner, J Vera, JM Hermoso, J Torres, ...
IET Digital Library, 2012
RDSNET: A Proposal for control architecture for software defined MANETs
S Mora, J Vera
Int J Eng Technol 10 (3), 816-827, 2018
Implementation of a series resonant inverter to improve fluorescent lamp efficiency
JF Bayona Navarro, J Edwin Vera Vera, NY Gelvez Garcia
Tecciencia 11 (21), 7-12, 2016
Design and characterization of a SAW pressure sensor on ST quartz using a multiphysic model
SM Martinez, JE Vera, FB Molina, JF Chaverra
2021 IEEE XXVIII International Conference on Electronics, Electrical …, 2021
Analysis of images SAR to flood prevention implementing fusion methods
JE Vera, SF Mora, JA Torres, J Avendano
2016 XXI Symposium on Signal Processing, Images and Artificial Vision …, 2016
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in solar panels
JE Vera, JF Bayona, RS Cayanza
Visión electrónica 8 (2), 49-53, 2014
Design of a blade dipole antenna for radio astronomy
JS Manrique, SM Martinez, JE Vera, OR Gaitan
2022 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-5, 2022
Classification of Gerbera Type Flowers Based in Decision Tree Rules
JEV Vera, SM Martinez, AT Pérez, J Avendano
2019 XXII Symposium on Image, Signal Processing and Artificial Vision …, 2019
Method for determining total losses in distribution transformers from the percentage of carbon silicon steel sheet1
MG Mago-Ramos, L Vallésb, J Olaya, M Zequera, J Vera-Vera
Dyna 83 (198), 148-153, 2016
Design and testing of a network of sensors on land surfaces to prevent landslides
JE Vera, SF Mora, RA Cervantes
2016 IEEE biennial congress of Argentina (Argencon), 1-4, 2016
Design of a Blade Monopole Antenna for Airborne Communications Systems Using Particle Swarm Optimization Method
OR Gaitan, SM Martinez, JE Vera, FP Mena
2022 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina (ARGENCON), 1-5, 2022
Seguimiento del punto de máxima potencia (SPMP) en paneles solares
JE Vera, JF Bayona, RS Cayanza
Visión electrónica 8 (2), 49-53, 2014
Modeling, analysis, and control of a rectifier with power factor correction in half-bridge configuration
JF Bayona, JA Parra, JE Vera, J Avendaño
Tecciencia 8 (15), 36-42, 2013
Touch interface analysis for virtual reality
JE Vera, JF Bayona, A Torres
Tecciencia 7 (14), 61-64, 2013
Método para determinar las pérdidas totales en transformadores de distribución a partir del porcentaje de carbono de la chapa de acero al silicio
MG Mago-Ramos, L Vallés, J Olaya, M Zequera, JE Vera-Vera
Dyna 83 (198), 148-153, 2016
Implementation of series resonant inverter to improve efficiency fluorescent lamps
JE Vera, JF Bayona, NYG García
TECCIENCIA 11 (21), 7-11, 2016
Method for determining total losses in distribution transformers from the percentage of carbon silicon steel sheet
MGM Ramos, LV Defendine, JJO Flórez, M Zequera, JE Vera
DYNA: revista de la Facultad de Minas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia …, 2016
Detección de cambios no supervisada de imágenes SAR para el seguimiento del comportamiento y análisis de inundaciones en Colombia
J Avendaño, JI Padilla, JE Vera, JA Parra
Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío 27 (2), 54-61, 2015
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