Christoph Knappe
Christoph Knappe
Lund University
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Laser-induced phosphorescence and the impact of phosphor coating thickness on crank-angle resolved cylinder wall temperatures
C Knappe, P Andersson, M Algotsson, M Richter, J Linden, M Alden, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 4 (1), 1689-1698, 2011
Thickness dependent variations in surface phosphor thermometry during transient combustion in an HCCI engine
C Knappe, M Algotsson, P Andersson, M Richter, M Tunér, B Johansson, ...
Combustion and flame 160 (8), 1466-1475, 2013
Limitations of ICCD detectors and optimized 2D phosphor thermometry
J Lindén, C Knappe, M Richter, M Aldén
Measurement science and technology 23 (3), 035201, 2012
Investigation and compensation of the nonlinear response in photomultiplier tubes for quantitative single-shot measurements
C Knappe, J Lindén, F Abou Nada, M Richter, M Aldén
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (3), 2012
Development of an automatic routine for calibration of thermographic phosphors
F Abou Nada, C Knappe, X Xu, M Richter, M Aldén
Measurement Science and Technology 25 (2), 025201, 2014
Comparison of photo detectors and operating conditions for decay time determination in phosphor thermometry
C Knappe, F Abou Nada, M Richter, M Aldén
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (9), 094901-094901-10, 2012
Improved measurement precision in decay time-based phosphor thermometry
F Abou Nada, C Knappe, M Aldén, M Richter
Applied Physics B 122, 1-12, 2016
Phosphor Thermometry on Surfaces - A Study of its Methodology and its Practical Applications
C Knappe
Lund Reports on Combustion Physics, 2013
Precision in 2D temperature measurements using the thermographic phosphor BAM
J Lindén, C Knappe, M Richter, M Aldén
Measurement Science and Technology 23 (8), 085205, 2012
A library-based algorithm for evaluation of luminescent decay curves by shape recognition in time domain phosphor thermometry
C Knappe, K Pfeiffer, M Richter, M Aldén
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 115, 545-554, 2014
A first application of thermographic phosphors in a marine two-stroke diesel engine for surface temperature measurement
F Abou Nada, J Hult, C Knappe, M Richter, S Mayer, M Aldén
Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference 46162, V001T01A001, 2014
On the automation of thermographic phosphor calibration
FA Nada, C Knappe, X Xu, M Richter, M Aldén
IET Digital Library, 2014
Enhanced color ratio calibration for two-dimensional surface thermometry using laser-induced phosphorescence
C Knappe, J Lindén, M Richter, M Aldén
Measurement Science and Technology 24 (8), 085202, 2013
In-cylinder Surface Thermometry using Laser Induced Phosphorescence
M Algotsson, C Knappe, M Tunér, M Richter, B Johansson, M Aldén
The Eighth International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced …, 2012
Extending the narrow-bandwidth tunability of a thin disk Yb: YAG laser regenerative amplifier
V Wagner, W Paa, C Knappe, W Triebel
Applied optics 49 (6), 1020-1024, 2010
Response regime studies on standard detectors for decay time determination in phosphor thermometry
C Knappe, F Abou Nada, J Lindén, M Richter, M Aldén
AIP Conference Proceedings 1552, 879-884, 2013
A new evaluation concept for phosphor thermometry based on shape matching of decay curves
K Pfeiffer, C Knappe
Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2013, 1-5, 2013
Balancing aims of designing a 4th year physics laboratory exercise
H Enquist, H Navirian, K Klünder, C Knappe, M Swoboda
Project Reports-Genombrottet, LTH, 2008
Untersuchungen zur Wellenlangendurchstimmung eines regenerativen Scheibenlaser-Verstarkers
C Knappe
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