Ryan Roemmich
Ryan Roemmich
Assistant Professor, Kennedy Krieger Institute & Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
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Two-dimensional video-based analysis of human gait using pose estimation
J Stenum, C Rossi, RT Roemmich
PLoS computational biology 17 (4), e1008935, 2021
Persons with Parkinson’s disease exhibit decreased neuromuscular complexity during gait
KL Rodriguez, RT Roemmich, B Cam, BJ Fregly, CJ Hass
Clinical Neurophysiology 124 (7), 1390-1397, 2013
Two ways to save a newly learned motor pattern
RT Roemmich, AJ Bastian
Journal of neurophysiology 113 (10), 3519-3530, 2015
Postural instability and gait impairment during obstacle crossing in Parkinson's disease
EL Stegemöller, TA Buckley, C Pitsikoulis, E Barthelemy, R Roemmich, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 93 (4), 703-709, 2012
Seeing the errors you feel enhances locomotor performance but not learning
RT Roemmich, AW Long, AJ Bastian
Current biology 26 (20), 2707-2716, 2016
Spatiotemporal variability during gait initiation in Parkinson's disease
RT Roemmich, JR Nocera, S Vallabhajosula, S Amano, KM Naugle, ...
Gait & posture 36 (3), 340-343, 2012
Applications of pose estimation in human health and performance across the lifespan
J Stenum, KM Cherry-Allen, CO Pyles, RD Reetzke, MF Vignos, ...
Sensors 21 (21), 7315, 2021
Locomotor adaptation and locomotor adaptive learning in Parkinson’s disease and normal aging
RT Roemmich, JR Nocera, EL Stegemöller, A Hassan, MS Okun, CJ Hass
Clinical Neurophysiology 125 (2), 313-319, 2014
Closing the loop: from motor neuroscience to neurorehabilitation
RT Roemmich, AJ Bastian
Annual review of neuroscience 41, 415-429, 2018
Visuomotor learning generalizes around the intended movement
KA Day, RT Roemmich, JA Taylor, AJ Bastian
eneuro 3 (2), 2016
Updates in motor learning: implications for physical therapist practice and education
KA Leech, RT Roemmich, J Gordon, DS Reisman, KM Cherry-Allen
Physical therapy 102 (1), pzab250, 2022
Interlimb coordination is impaired during walking in persons with Parkinson's disease
RT Roemmich, AM Field, JM Elrod, EL Stegemöller, MS Okun, CJ Hass
Clinical Biomechanics 28 (1), 93-97, 2013
Effects of cognitive task on gait initiation in Parkinson disease: evidence of motor prioritization?
JR Nocera, R Roemmich, J Elrod, LJ P Altmann, CJ Hass
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 50 (5), 2013
Accelerating locomotor savings in learning: compressing four training days to one
KA Day, KA Leech, RT Roemmich, AJ Bastian
Journal of neurophysiology 119 (6), 2100-2113, 2018
Effects of dopaminergic therapy on locomotor adaptation and adaptive learning in persons with Parkinson's disease
RT Roemmich, N Hack, U Akbar, CJ Hass
Behavioural brain research 268, 31-39, 2014
Trading symmetry for energy cost during walking in healthy adults and persons poststroke
RT Roemmich, KA Leech, AJ Gonzalez, AJ Bastian
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 33 (8), 602-613, 2019
Blocking trial-by-trial error correction does not interfere with motor learning in human walking
AW Long, RT Roemmich, AJ Bastian
Journal of neurophysiology 115 (5), 2341-2348, 2016
Precision rehabilitation: optimizing function, adding value to health care
MA French, RT Roemmich, K Daley, M Beier, S Penttinen, P Raghavan, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 103 (6), 1233-1239, 2022
Movement and perception recalibrate differently across multiple days of locomotor learning
KA Leech, KA Day, RT Roemmich, AJ Bastian
Journal of neurophysiology 120 (4), 2130-2137, 2018
Gait initiation impairments in both Essential Tremor and Parkinson's disease
KM Fernandez, RT Roemmich, EL Stegemöller, S Amano, A Thompson, ...
Gait & posture 38 (4), 956-961, 2013
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