Mark J Soto
Mark J Soto
Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
在 hsph.harvard.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Comparison of pregnancy and birth outcomes before vs during the COVID-19 pandemic
RL Molina, TC Tsai, D Dai, M Soto, N Rosenthal, EJ Orav, JF Figueroa
JAMA network open 5 (8), e2226531-e2226531, 2022
Trends and patterns in sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among children and adults by race and/or ethnicity, 2003–2018
J Dai, MJ Soto, CG Dunn, SN Bleich
Public health nutrition 24 (9), 2405-2410, 2021
Decreasing trends in heavy sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in the United States, 2003 to 2016
KA Vercammen, AJ Moran, MJ Soto, L Kennedy-Shaffer, SN Bleich
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 120 (12), 1974-1985. e5, 2020
Association of a sweetened beverage tax with purchases of beverages and high-sugar foods at independent stores in Philadelphia
SN Bleich, CG Dunn, MJ Soto, J Yan, LA Gibson, HG Lawman, N Mitra, ...
JAMA network open 4 (6), e2113527-e2113527, 2021
Calorie and nutrient trends in large US chain restaurants, 2012-2018
SN Bleich, MJ Soto, CG Dunn, AJ Moran, JP Block
PLoS One 15 (2), e0228891, 2020
Changes in calorie content of menu items at large chain restaurants after implementation of calorie labels
AH Grummon, J Petimar, MJ Soto, SN Bleich, D Simon, LP Cleveland, ...
JAMA network open 4 (12), e2141353-e2141353, 2021
Disparities in adult fast-food consumption in the US by race and ethnicity, national health and nutrition examination survey 2017–2018
CG Dunn, KJ Gao, MJ Soto, SN Bleich
American journal of preventive medicine 61 (4), e197-e201, 2021
Facilitators and barriers to bikeshare use among users and non-users in a socioeconomically diverse urban population
RL Franckle, CG Dunn, KA Vercammen, J Dai, MJ Soto, SN Bleich
Preventive medicine reports 20, 101185, 2020
Simplification of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recertification processes and association with uninterrupted access to benefits among participants with young children
EL Kenney, MJ Soto, M Fubini, A Carleton, M Lee, SN Bleich
JAMA Network Open 5 (9), e2230150-e2230150, 2022
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on inpatient and outpatient utilization of bariatric surgery
J Angelo, M Soto, D Dai, D Spector, EJ Orav, A Tavakkoli, TC Tsai
Surgical Endoscopy 37 (6), 4917-4925, 2023
Changes in equity of bikeshare access and use following implementation of income-eligible membership program & system expansion in Greater Boston
MJ Soto, KA Vercammen, CG Dunn, RL Franckle, SN Bleich
Journal of Transport & Health 21, 101053, 2021
Clinician response to patient medication prices displayed in the electronic health record
AD Sinaiko, CE Sloan, MJ Soto, O Zhao, CT Lin, FR Goss
JAMA Internal Medicine 183 (10), 1172-1175, 2023
Utilization, steering, and spending in vertical relationships between physicians and health systems
AD Sinaiko, VE Curto, K Ianni, M Soto, MB Rosenthal
JAMA Health Forum 4 (9), e232875-e232875, 2023
Availability and nutrient composition of vegetarian items at US fast-food restaurants
CG Dunn, MJ Soto, SV Hua, EA Keenan, LM Jaacks, JA Wolfson, ...
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 121 (7), 1306-1311. e8, 2021
Association of chain restaurant advertising spending with obesity in US adults
SN Bleich, MJ Soto, JC Jones-Smith, JA Wolfson, MP Jarlenski, CG Dunn, ...
JAMA Network Open 3 (10), e2019519-e2019519, 2020
Association of a Sweetened Beverage Tax With Purchases of Beverages and High-Sugar Foods at Independent Stores in Philadelphia. JAMA Netw Open. 2021; 4 (6): e2113527–e
SN Bleich, CG Dunn, MJ Soto, J Yan, LA Gibson, HG Lawman
Prevalence and nutrient composition of menu offerings targeted to customers with dietary restrictions at US fast casual and full-service restaurants
SV Hua, MJ Soto, CG Dunn, SN Bleich, KA Vercammen
Public health nutrition 24 (6), 1240-1247, 2021
Impact of changes in chain restaurant calories over time on obesity risk
SN Bleich, JC Jones-Smith, MP Jarlenski, JA Wolfson, JM Frelier, H Tao, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 35, 1743-1750, 2020
The Marketing of Ultraprocessed Foods in a National Sample of US Supermarket Circulars: A Pilot Study
A Zhong, EL Kenney, J Dai, MJ Soto, SN Bleich
AJPM focus 1 (1), 100009, 2022
Disparities in Access to Outpatient Surgery Related to Removal of Procedures from Medicare’s Inpatient Only List
TC Tsai, SA Brownlee, D Dai, M Soto, N Rosenthal, EJ Orav, AB Frakt, ...
Annals of Surgery, 10.1097, 2024
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