Attachment to the nation and international relations: Dimensions of identity and their relationship to war and peace RK Herrmann, P Isernia, P Segatti Political Psychology 30 (5), 721-754, 2009 | 176 | 2009 |
Il gigante dai piedi d’argilla M Cotta, P Isernia La crisi del regime partitocratico in Italia, 1996 | 173 | 1996 |
Foreign policy and the rational public in comparative perspective P Isernia, Z Juhász, H Rattinger Journal of Conflict Resolution 46 (2), 201-224, 2002 | 145 | 2002 |
Public opinion and the international use of force PP Everts, P Isernia Routledge, 2001 | 140 | 2001 |
Decisionmaking in a glass house: Mass media, public opinion, and American and European foreign policy in the 21st century BL Nacos, RY Shapiro, P Isernia Rowman & Littlefield, 2000 | 136 | 2000 |
Trends: the War in Iraq P Everts, P Isernia The Public Opinion Quarterly 69 (2), 264-323, 2005 | 79* | 2005 |
Psychological correlates of populist attitudes C Erisen, M Guidi, S Martini, S Toprakkiran, P Isernia, L Littvay Political Psychology 42, 149-171, 2021 | 76 | 2021 |
Anti-Americanism in Europe during the cold war P Isernia Anti-Americanisms in world politics, 57-92, 2007 | 63 | 2007 |
The EuroPolis deliberative poll P Isernia, JS Fishkin European Union Politics 15 (3), 311-327, 2014 | 62 | 2014 |
L'Europa in Italia. Elite, opinione pubblica, decisioni M Cotta, P Isernia, L Verzichelli Il mulino, 2005 | 62 | 2005 |
Public opinion, transatlantic relations and the use of force P Everts, P Isernia Springer, 2015 | 53 | 2015 |
Decisionmaking in a Glass House: Mass Media BL Nacos, RY Shapiro, P Isernia Public Opinion, and American and European Foreign Policy in the 21st Century …, 2000 | 49 | 2000 |
La dimensione europea del discorso politico in Italia: un’analisi diacronica delle preferenze partitiche (1950–2001) N Conti, L Verzichelli L’Europa in Italia. Élite, opinione pubblica e decisioni, 61-116, 2005 | 48 | 2005 |
L'Europa vista dagli Italiani: i primi venti anni T Ammendola, P Isernia L'Europa in Italia. Elite, opinione pubblica e decisioni, 117-170, 2005 | 45 | 2005 |
La cooperazione allo sviluppo P Isernia Il mulino, 1995 | 45 | 1995 |
But still it does not move: Functional and identity-based determinants of European identity P Isernia, I Fiket, F Serricchio, B Westle Citizens and the European polity: Mass attitudes towards the European and …, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Power, War, and Public Opinion. R Asmus, PP Everts, P Isernia Policy Review, 2004 | 40 | 2004 |
Introduzione alla ricerca politica e sociale P Isernia Soc. Ed. il Mulino, 2001 | 40 | 2001 |
The transatlantic gap in public opinion R Asmus, PP Everts, P Isernia Transatlantische Beziehungen: Sicherheit—Wirtschaft—Öffentlichkeit, 397-424, 2005 | 38 | 2005 |
L'Europa vista dagli Italiani: Venti anni dopo P Isernia L'Europa in Italia. Elite, opinione pubblica e decisioni, 223-276, 2005 | 35 | 2005 |