Carlos A Mendonça
Carlos A Mendonça
Professor of Geophysics at USP
在 usp.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Understanding biogeobatteries: Where geophysics meets microbiology
A Revil, CA Mendonça, EA Atekwana, B Kulessa, SS Hubbard, KJ Bohlen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G1), 2010
A stable truncated series approximation of the reduction-to-the-pole operator
CA Mendonca, JBC Silva
Geophysics 58 (8), 1084-1090, 1993
Forward and inverse self-potential modeling in mineral exploration
CA Mendonça
Geophysics 73 (1), F33-F43, 2008
Redox potential distribution inferred from self‐potential measurements associated with the corrosion of a burden metallic body
J Castermant, CA Mendonça, A Revil, F Trolard, G Bourrié, N Linde
Geophysical Prospecting 56 (2), 269-282, 2008
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1992
CA Mendonça, JBC Silva
Ionic contribution to the self-potential signals associated with a redox front
A Revil, F Trolard, G Bourrie, J Castermant, A Jardani, CA Mendonça
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 109 (1-4), 27-39, 2009
Interpolation of potential-field data by equivalent layer and minimum curvature: A comparative analysis
CA Mendonça, JBC Silva
Geophysics 60 (2), 399-407, 1995
Relaxation time distribution obtained from a Debye decomposition of spectral induced polarization data
A Ustra, CA Mendonça, D Ntarlagiannis, LD Slater
Geophysics 81 (2), E129-E138, 2016
Perspectivas do ensino de Geociências
M Ernesto, UG Cordani, CR Carneiro, MAFDAS DIAS, CA Mendonça, ...
Estudos Avançados 32 (94), 331-343, 2018
Investigações arqueológicas e geofísicas dos sambaquis fluviais do vale do Ribeira de Iguape, Estado de São Paulo
L Figuti, CA Mendonça, JL Porsani, EB Rocha, PAD Blasis, S Eggers, ...
Reduction of topography effect in inductive electromagnetic profiles: application on coastal sambaqui (shell mound) archaeological site in Santa Catarina state, Brazil
VRN Santos, JL Porsani, CA Mendonça, SI Rodrigues, PD DeBlasis
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (10), 2089-2095, 2009
Automatic determination of the magnetization–density ratio and magnetization inclination from the joint interpretation of 2D gravity and magnetic anomalies
CA Mendonça
Geophysics 69 (4), 938-948, 2004
Programs to compute magnetization to density ratio and the magnetization inclination from 3-D gravity and magnetic anomalies
CA Mendonça, AMA Meguid
Computers & Geosciences 34 (6), 603-610, 2008
Combined use of geophysical and geochemical methods to assess areas of active, degrading and restored blanket bog
L McAnallen, R Doherty, S Donohue, P Kirmizakis, C Mendonça
Science of the Total Environment 621, 762-771, 2018
Self-potential signals from an analog biogeobattery model
SJS Fachin, EL Abreu, CA Mendonça, A Revil, GC Novaes, ...
Geophysics 77 (4), EN29-EN37, 2012
Inversion of gravity-field inclination to map the basement relief of sedimentary basins
CA Mendonça
Geophysics 69 (5), 1240-1251, 2004
Investigações GPR nos distritos mineiros de Santa Bárbara e Bom Futuro: Província estanífera de Rondônia
JL Porsani, CA Mendonça, JS Bettencourt, FY Hiodo, JAJ Vian, JE Silva
Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 22, 57-68, 2004
Integrated earth resistivity tomography (ERT) and multilevel sampling gas: a tool to map geogenic and anthropogenic methane accumulation on brownfield sites
CA Mendonça, R Doherty, A Fornaro, EL Abreu, GC Novaes, SJS Fachin, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 74, 1217-1226, 2015
Enhancement of gasworks groundwater remediation by coupling a bio-electrochemical and activated carbon system
P Kirmizakis, R Doherty, CA Mendonça, R Costeira, CCR Allen, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 9981-9991, 2019
Quantitative interpretation of the magnetic susceptibility frequency dependence
A Ustra, CA Mendonça, A Leite, L Jovane, RIF Trindade
Geophysical Journal International 213 (2), 805-814, 2018
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