The Implementation of Smart Electronic Locking System Based on Z-Wave and Internet 魏清泉, 陳衍名, 張超傑, 游麒翰 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2015/10 …, 2015 | 23* | 2015 |
Influence of Menstrual Cycle on Pulse Pressure Waveforms Measured from the Radial Artery in Biphasic Healthy Women. 蘇珊玉, 魏清泉, 謝慶良, 曹榮穎, 李采娟, 林彩蕙, 張恆鴻, 羅綸謙 | 10* | 2009 |
具異質網路通訊系統之 VoIP 服務平台 藍劭夫 | | 2016 |
The Implementation of Smart Electronic Locking System 魏清泉, 陳衍名, 張超傑 2015 年資訊科技國際研討會暨民生電子論壇, 2015/04/24-2015/04/25, 38-0, 2015 | | 2015 |
實現基於 Z-Wave 與網際網路之智慧電子鎖系統 陳衍名 | | 2015 |
使用橈動脈之彈性常數以作為分析動脈粥狀硬化病人血管彈性之研究 黃蜀雯 | | 2014 |
基於 Z-Wave 無線通訊技術之智慧家庭實現 張超傑 | | 2014 |
A Electronic Lock System Based on the Bluetooth in Smart Phone 魏清泉, 張超傑, 藍劭夫 2014 年第八屆資訊科技國際研討會, 2014/04/18-2014/04/19, 台中市, 16-9, 2014 | | 2014 |
開發一個有效的舌偏差角度量化方法來評估中風患者 徐聖林 | | 2012 |
Analysis of using the tongue deviation angle as a warning sign of a stroke 魏清泉 | | 2012 |
An Innovative Method to Measure the Peripheral Arterial Elasticity: Spring Constant Modeling Based on the Arterial Pressure Wave with Radial 魏清泉 | | 2011 |
A descriptive research of the first-time patients’ practical experience and expectations toward medical service 魏清泉 | | 2011 |
Using Photoplethysmography Pulse and Radial Pulse to Analyze the Blood Vessel Elasticity 魏清泉 | | 2011 |
Using the spring constant method to analyze arterial elasticity in type 2 diabetic patients 魏清泉 | | 2011 |
Developing the Effective Method of Spectral Harmonic Energy Ratio to Analyze the Arterial Pulse Spectrum 魏清泉 eCAM 2010; doi: 10.1093/ecam/neq054, 2010 | | 2010 |
以綠能無線感測網路為基礎之智慧型健康監測與照護系統研究 沈文和, 魏清泉, 劉省宏, 黃永發, 陳榮靜, 王淑卿 | | 2010 |
使用微分之極端值以探討脈波有效特徵參數之研究 魏清泉 | | 2010 |
弦脈之量化與形成機制之探討 魏清泉, 羅綸謙 | | 2009 |
脈波中 13-50Hz 頻譜信號之臨床意義 黃進明, 張永賢, 廖殷梓, 魏清泉 | | 2007 |
System analysis of the blood circulation based on the coherence power transfer: from electrical driving to mechanical vibration 魏清泉 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED, PHYSIC-S, 2006 | | 2006 |