Aiso Heinze
Aiso Heinze
IPN -Leibniz Inistitute for Science and Mathematics Education Kiel (Germany)
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Flexible and adaptive use of strategies and representations in mathematics education
A Heinze, JR Star, L Verschaffel
ZDM 41, 535-540, 2009
Does the textbook matter? Longitudinal effects of textbook choice on primary school students’ achievement in mathematics
AK Van Den Ham, A Heinze
Studies in Educational Evaluation 59, 133-140, 2018
Modeling and assessing mathematical competence over the lifespan
I Neumann, C Duchhardt, M Grüßing, A Heinze, E Knopp, T Ehmke
Journal for educational research online 5 (2), 80-109, 2013
The transition from school to university in mathematics: Which influence do school-related variables have?
S Rach, A Heinze
International journal of science and mathematics education 15, 1343-1363, 2017
Mathematics achievement and interest in mathematics from a differential perspective
A Heinze, K Reiss, R Franziska
ZDM 37, 212-220, 2005
What kind of content knowledge do secondary mathematics teachers need?
A Dreher, A Lindmeier, A Heinze, C Niemand
Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik 2 (39), 319-341, 2018
Mathematikkenntnisse und sprachliche Kompetenz bei Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund zu Beginn der Grundschulzeit
A Heinze, L Herwartz-Emden, K Reiss
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 53 (4), 562-581, 2007
Beyond knowledge: Measuring primary teachers’ subject-specific competences in and for teaching mathematics with items based on video vignettes
I Knievel, AM Lindmeier, A Heinze
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 13, 309-329, 2015
Addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers: Adaptive strategy use and the influence of instruction in German third grade
A Heinze, F Marschick, F Lipowsky
ZDM 41, 591-604, 2009
Mistake-Handling Activities in the Mathematics Classroom.
A Heinze
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 3, 105-112, 2005
Learning from Errors: Effects of Teachers Training on Students' Attitudes towards and Their Individual Use of Errors.
S Rach, S Ufer, A Heinze
pna 8 (1), 21-30, 2013
Reasoning and proof: Methodological knowledge as a component of proof competence
A Heinze, K Reiss
Proceedings of the Third Conference of the European Society for Research in …, 2003
Reasoning and proof in geometry: Effects of a learning environment based on heuristic worked-out examples
KM Reiss, A Heinze, A Renkl, C Groß
ZDM 40 (3), 455-467, 2008
Professionswissen von Lehramtsstudierenden der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer–Testentwicklung im Rahmen des Projekts KiL
T Kleickmann, J Großschedl, U Harms, A Heinze, S Herzog, F Hohenstein, ...
Unterrichtswissenschaft 42 (3), 280-288, 2014
The impact of incorrect examples on learning fractions: A field experiment with 6th grade students
T Heemsoth, A Heinze
Instructional Science 42, 639-657, 2014
Akademisches versus schulbezogenes Fachwissen–ein differenzierteres Modell des fachspezifischen Professionswissens von angehenden Mathematiklehrkräften der Sekundarstufe
A Heinze, A Dreher, A Lindmeier, C Niemand
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 2 (19), 329-349, 2016
Effects of mathematics textbooks on the development of primary school children's adaptive expertise in arithmetic
H Sievert, AK van den Ham, I Niedermeyer, A Heinze
Learning and Individual Differences 74, 101716, 2019
Mistake-handling activities in the mathematics classroom: Effects of an in-service teacher training on students’ performance in geometry
A Heinze, K Reiss
Proceedings of the 31st Conference of the International Group for the …, 2007
Prerequisites for the understanding of proofs in the geometry classroom
K Reiss, E Klieme, A Heinze
PME CONFERENCE 4, 4-97, 2001
Zwischen Grundlagenwissen und Anwendungsbezug: Mathematische Kompetenz im internationalen Vergleich
C Sälzer, K Reiss, A Schiepe-Tiska, M Prenzel, A Heinze
Pisa, 47-98, 2012
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