Natalia Sarkisian
Natalia Sarkisian
Associate Professor of Sociology, Boston College
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Kin support among Blacks and Whites: Race and family organization
N Sarkisian, N Gerstel
American Sociological Review 69 (6), 812-837, 2004
Till marriage do us part: Adult children’s relationships with their parents
N Sarkisian, N Gerstel
Journal of Marriage and Family 70 (2), 360-376, 2008
Causal effects of retirement timing on subjective physical and emotional health
E Calvo, N Sarkisian, CR Tamborini
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2013
Does singlehood isolate or integrate? Examining the link between marital status and ties to kin, friends, and neighbors
N Sarkisian, N Gerstel
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 33 (3), 361-384, 2016
Extended family integration among Euro and Mexican Americans: Ethnicity, gender, and class
N Sarkisian, M Gerena, N Gerstel
Journal of Marriage and Family 69 (1), 40-54, 2007
Flow and happiness in later life: An investigation into the role of daily and weekly flow experiences
AL Collins, N Sarkisian, E Winner
Journal of happiness studies 10, 703-719, 2009
Explaining the gender gap in help to parents: The importance of employment
N Sarkisian, N Gerstel
Journal of Marriage and Family 66 (2), 431-451, 2004
Marriage: The good, the bad, and the greedy
N Gerstel, N Sarkisian
Contexts 5 (4), 16-21, 2006
Extended family ties among Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Whites: Superintegration or disintegration?
N Sarkisian, M Gerena, N Gerstel
Family Relations 55 (3), 331-344, 2006
Nuclear family values, extended family lives: The power of race, class, and gender
N Sarkisian, N Gerstel
Routledge, 2012
" Doing family ambivalence": nuclear and extended families in single mothers' lives
N Sarkisian
Journal of Marriage and Family 68 (4), 804-811, 2006
Sociological perspectives on families and work: The import of gender, class, and race
N Gerstel, N Sarkisian
The work and family handbook: Multi-disciplinary perspectives, methods, and …, 2006
Analysis of adverse events associated with adult moderate procedural sedation outside the operating room
S Karamnov, N Sarkisian, R Grammer, WL Gross, RD Urman
Journal of patient safety 13 (3), 111-121, 2017
Spiritual individualism or engaged spirituality? Social implications of holistic spirituality among mind–body–spirit practitioners
S Oh, N Sarkisian
Sociology of Religion 73 (3), 299-322, 2012
Are women less career centric than men? Structure, culture, and identity investments
S Sweet, N Sarkisian, C Matz-Costa, M Pitt-Catsouphes
Community, Work & Family 19 (4), 481-500, 2016
Individual troubles, shared troubles: The multiplicative effect of individual and country-level unemployment on life satisfaction in 95 nations (1981–2009)
E Calvo, CA Mair, N Sarkisian
Social Forces 93 (4), 1625-1653, 2015
Street men, family men: Race and men's extended family integration
N Sarkisian
Social Forces 86 (2), 763-794, 2007
Cultural identities and perceptions of health among health care providers and older American Indians
EM Garroutte, N Sarkisian, L Arguelles, J Goldberg, D Buchwald
Journal of General Internal Medicine 21 (2), 111-116, 2006
Age bias in the workplace: Cultural stereotypes and in-group favoritism
TK McNamara, M Pitt-Catsouphes, N Sarkisian, E Besen, M Kidahashi
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 83 (2), 156-183, 2016
Racial/ethnic differences in post-migration education among adult immigrants in the USA
R Calvo, N Sarkisian
Ethnic and Racial Studies 38 (7), 1029-1049, 2015
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