The geographic distribution of Big Five personality traits: Patterns and profiles of human self-description across 56 nations DP Schmitt, J Allik, RR McCrae, V Benet-Martínez Journal of cross-cultural psychology 38 (2), 173-212, 2007 | 1851 | 2007 |
Personality and intelligence as predictors of academic achievement: A cross-sectional study from elementary to secondary school K Laidra, H Pullmann, J Allik Personality and individual differences 42 (3), 441-451, 2007 | 952 | 2007 |
Patterns and universals of adult romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions: Are models of self and of other pancultural constructs? DP Schmitt, L Alcalay, M Allensworth, J Allik, L Ault, I Austers, KL Bennett, ... Journal of cross-cultural psychology 35 (4), 367-402, 2004 | 544 | 2004 |
Personality development from 12 to 18 years of age: Changes in mean levels and structure of traits J Allik, K Laidra, A Realo, H Pullmann European Journal of Personality 18 (6), 445-462, 2004 | 282 | 2004 |
Association between substance use, personality traits, and platelet MAO activity in preadolescents and adolescents L Merenäkk, M Harro, E Kiive, K Laidra, D Eensoo, J Allik, L Oreland, ... Addictive behaviors 28 (8), 1507-1514, 2003 | 91 | 2003 |
Agreement among adolescents, parents, and teachers on adolescent personality K Laidra, J Allik, M Harro, L Merenäkk, J Harro Assessment 13 (2), 187-196, 2006 | 83 | 2006 |
Sex differences on the progressive matrices among adolescents: Some data from Estonia R Lynn, J Allik, H Pullmann, K Laidra Personality and Individual Differences 36 (6), 1249-1255, 2004 | 58 | 2004 |
Longitudinal associations of cognitive ability, personality traits and school grades with antisocial behaviour R Mõttus, J Guljajev, J Allik, K Laidra, H Pullmann European Journal of Personality 26 (1), 56-62, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
Mental health and alcohol problems among Estonian cleanup workers 24 years after the Chernobyl accident K Laidra, K Rahu, M Tekkel, A Aluoja, M Leinsalu Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 50 (11), 1753-1760, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
A study of intelligence in Estonia R Lynn, J Allik, H Pullmann, K Laidra Psychological Reports 91 (3), 1022-1026, 2002 | 25 | 2002 |
Adolescent personality: Development, interrater agreement, and relation to academic achievement K Laidra Tartu University Press, 2007 | 21 | 2007 |
Perceived stress during the first wave of COVID-19 outbreak: results from nationwide cross-sectional study in Estonia R Reile, L Kullamaa, R Hallik, K Innos, M Kukk, K Laidra, E Nurk, ... Frontiers in Public Health 9, 564706, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Mental disorders among Chernobyl cleanup workers from Estonia: A clinical assessment. K Laidra, K Rahu, KE Kalaus, M Tekkel, M Leinsalu Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 9 (Suppl 1), 93-97, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Human papillomavirus self-sampling for long-term non-attenders in cervical cancer screening: a randomised feasibility study in Estonia P Veerus, R Hallik, J Jänes, K Jõers, K Paapsi, K Laidra, K Innos Journal of Medical Screening 29 (1), 53-60, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Assessing childhood personality with the Estonian short version of the Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children (HiPIC) K Laidra, F De Fruyt, K Konstabel Personality and Individual Differences 112, 31–36, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Health-Related Quality of Life and its Socio-Demographic and behavioural correlates during the COVID-19 pandemic in Estonia M Tamson, R Reile, D Sokurova, K Innos, E Nurk, K Laidra, S Vorobjov International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (15), 9060, 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
Estonian National Mental Health Study: Design and methods for a registry‐linked longitudinal survey K Laidra, R Reile, M Havik, M Leinsalu, C Murd, J Tulviste, M Tamson, ... Brain and Behavior 13 (8), e3106, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Hoiakud COVID-19 vastu vaktsineerimise suhtes ja vaktsineerimises kõhklemisega seotud tegurid Eestis aastal 2021: rahvastikupõhise COVID-19-kiiruuringu tulemused E Kender, S Vorobjov, R Reile, K Laidra, E Nurk, K Pärna, KG Kärblane, ... Eesti Arst, 2023 | | 2023 |
Depressiooni sümptomite olemasolu ja sellega seotud tegurid Eestis aastal 2021: rahvastikupõhise COVID-19-kiiruuringu tulemused E Kender, S Vorobjov, R Reile, K Innos, E Nurk, K Laidra, M Tamson Eesti Arst, 2022 | | 2022 |
Available online at www. sciencedirect. com ScienceDirect ELSEVIER Personality and Individual Differences 42 (2007) 441-451 K Laidra, H Pullmann, J Allik Adolescent Personality: Development, Interrater Agreement, and Relation to …, 2007 | | 2007 |