Klasserommets praksisformer etter Reform 97 K Klette Oslo: Pedagogisk forskningsinstitutt, 2003 | 225 | 2003 |
Grounding teacher education in practice around the world: An examination of teacher education coursework in teacher education programs in Finland, Norway, and the United States IS Jenset, K Klette, K Hammerness Journal of teacher education 69 (2), 184-197, 2018 | 222 | 2018 |
Changes in Nordic teaching practices: From individualised teaching to the teaching of individuals I Carlgren, K Klette, S Mýrdal, K Schnack, H Simola Scandinavian journal of educational research 50 (3), 301-326, 2006 | 216 | 2006 |
Linking instruction and student achievement: Research design for a new generation of classroom studies K Klette, M Blikstad-Balas, A Roe Acta Didactica Norge-tidsskrift for fagdidaktisk forsknings-og …, 2017 | 182 | 2017 |
Reconstructions of Nordic Teachers: Reform policies and teachers' work during the 1990s I Carlgren, K Klette Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 52 (2), 117-133, 2008 | 173 | 2008 |
Qualities of classroom observation systems CA Bell, MJ Dobbelaer, K Klette, A Visscher School effectiveness and school improvement 30 (1), 3-29, 2019 | 165 | 2019 |
Coherent teacher education programmes: Taking a student perspective ET Canrinus, OK Bergem, K Klette, K Hammerness Journal of Curriculum Studies 49 (3), 313-333, 2017 | 157 | 2017 |
Challenges in strategies for complexity reduction in video studies. Experiences from the PISA+ study: A video study of teaching and learning in Norway K Klette The power of video studies in investigating teaching and learning in the …, 2009 | 155 | 2009 |
Indicators of quality in teacher education: Looking at features of teacher education from an international perspective K Hammerness, K Klette Promoting and sustaining a quality teacher workforce 27, 239-277, 2015 | 138 | 2015 |
Trends in research on teaching and learning in schools: Didactics meets classroom studies K Klette European Educational Research Journal 6 (2), 147-160, 2007 | 130 | 2007 |
Opplæring i muntlige ferdigheter S Svenkerud, K Klette, F Hertzberg Nordic studies in Education 32 (1), 35-49, 2012 | 127 | 2012 |
Bruk av arbeidsplaner i skolen–et hovedverktøy for å realisere tilpasset opplæring? K Klette Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 91 (4), 344-358, 2007 | 113 | 2007 |
Hva vet vi om god undervisning K Klette Rapport fra klasseromsforskningen. I RJ Krumsvik & R. Säljö (red.), Praktisk …, 2013 | 111 | 2013 |
Observation manuals as lenses to classroom teaching: Pitfalls and possibilities K Klette, M Blikstad-Balas European Educational Research Journal 17 (1), 129-146, 2018 | 109 | 2018 |
Lærernes klasseromsarbeid: Interaksjons-og arbeidsformer i norske klasserom etter Reform 97. I K. Klette (Red.) K Klette Klasserommets praksisformer etter Reform 97, 39-76, 2003 | 102 | 2003 |
Still a long way to go: Narrow and transmissive use of technology in the classroom M Blikstad-Balas, K Klette Nordic journal of digital literacy 15 (1), 55-68, 2020 | 101 | 2020 |
Klasseromsforskning på norsk K Klette Ad Notam Gyldendal, 1998 | 98 | 1998 |
Diversity in coherence: Strengths and opportunities of three programs ET Canrinus, K Klette, K Hammerness Journal of Teacher Education 70 (3), 192-205, 2019 | 91 | 2019 |
Reform policy and teacher professionalism in four Nordic countries K Klette Journal of Educational Change 3 (3), 265-282, 2002 | 72 | 2002 |
Working time blues: on how Norwegian teachers experience restructuring in education K Klette Change (Sydney, NSW) 1 (1), 48-61, 1998 | 67 | 1998 |