Daniel Carvalho da Cunha
Daniel Carvalho da Cunha
Associate Professor at Centro de Informática (CIn/UFPE)
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A proposal for path loss prediction in urban environments using support vector regression
RDA Timoteo, DC Cunha, GDC Cavalcanti
The Tenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2014), 2014
An approach using support vector regression for mobile location in cellular networks
RDA Timoteo, LN Silva, DC Cunha, GDC Cavalcanti
Elsevier Computer Networks 95, 51-61, 2016
A Cost-Effective Trilateration-based Radio Localization Algorithm using Machine Learning and Sequential Least-Square Programming Optimization
JPPG Marques, DC Cunha, LMF Harada, LN Silva, ID Silva
Computer Communications, 1-9, 2021
Autonomous power management in mobile devices using dynamic frequency scaling and reinforcement learning for energy minimization
SAL Carvalho, DC Cunha, AG Silva-Filho
Microprocessors and Microsystems 64, 205-220, 2019
An RSS-based regression model for user equipment location in cellular networks using machine learning
LL Oliveira, LA Oliveira Jr, GWA Silva, RDA Timoteo, DC Cunha
Springer Wireless Networks (2019), 1-10, 2019
Autonomous Power Management for Embedded Systems using a Non-Linear Power Predictor
SAL Carvalho, DC Cunha, AG Silva-Filho
Euromicro on Digital System Design (DSD 2017), 2017
A scalable fingerprint-based angle-of-arrival machine learning approach for cellular mobile radio localization
RDA Timoteo, DC Cunha
Computer Communications 157, 92-101, 2020
A Proposal of an RF Fingerprint-based Outdoor Localization Technique using Irregular Grid Maps
GP Bittencourt, AAF Urbano, DC Cunha
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2018), 2018
A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Mobile User Positioning in Cellular Networks
RDA Timoteo, LN Silva, DC Cunha, GDC Cavalcanti
XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT …, 2017
On the use of nonlinear methods for low-power CPU frequency prediction based on Android context variables
SAL Carvalho, DC Cunha, AG Silva-Filho
2016 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2016
Uma alternativa de aceleração do algoritmo fuzzy k-means aplicado à quantização vetorial
F Madeiro, RRA Galvão, FABS Ferreira, DC Cunha
TEMA (São Carlos) 13, 193-206, 2012
Symbol-wise chase decoding of q-ary block codes over bi-awgn channels
DC Cunha, J Portugheis, VV do Nascimento
IEEE Communications Letters 15 (2), 229-231, 2011
Multiuser communication based on the discrete fractional Fourier transform
JB Lima, RMC de Souza, DC Cunha
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3569-3570, 2012
Hybrid Time Series Forecasting Models Applied to Automotive On-Board Diagnostics Systems
DM Almeida, PSG Mattos Neto, DC Cunha
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2018), 2018
Optimal power distribution in non-binary LDPC code-based cooperative wireless networks
BLR Melo, DC Cunha, C Pimentel
Elsevier Computer Networks 100, 157-165, 2016
On frequency sensitive competitive learning for VQ codebook design
PHE Santo, RC Albuquerque, DC Cunha, F Madeiro
2008 10th Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, 135-140, 2008
Iterative decoding of q-ary product turbo codes in FFH-CDMA systems
VV do Nascimento, J Portugheis, DC Cunha
Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, 2008. SPAWC 2008 …, 2008
Stochastic Chase decoding of BCH codes
LMF Harada, DC Cunha, C Pimentel
Proc. 11th Adv. Int. Conf. Telecommun.(AICT), 11-13, 2015
An evaluation of the generalized Chase-2 algorithm applied to unequal error protection block codes
RC Albuquerque, DC Cunha, C Pimentel
Communications (LATINCOM), 2011 IEEE Latin-American Conference on, 1-6, 2011
Capacity of blockwise noncoherent M-APSK/AWGN channel
DC Cunha, J Portugheis
Electronics Letters 42 (14), 1, 2006
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