Metrical stress theory: Principles and case studies B Hayes University of Chicago Press, 1995 | 4472 | 1995 |
Compensatory lengthening in moraic phonology B Hayes Linguistic inquiry 20 (2), 253-306, 1989 | 2372 | 1989 |
Empirical tests of the gradual learning algorithm P Boersma, B Hayes Linguistic inquiry 32 (1), 45-86, 2001 | 1660 | 2001 |
A metrical theory of stress rules BP Hayes Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1980 | 1619 | 1980 |
Phonetically driven phonology BP Hayes Functionalism and formalism in linguistics 1, 243-285, 1999 | 1092* | 1999 |
The prosodic hierarchy in meter B Hayes Rhythm and meter, 201-260, 1989 | 1084 | 1989 |
A maximum entropy model of phonotactics and phonotactic learning B Hayes, C Wilson Linguistic inquiry 39 (3), 379-440, 2008 | 967 | 2008 |
Rules vs. analogy in English past tenses: A computational/experimental study A Albright, B Hayes Cognition 90 (2), 119-161, 2003 | 952 | 2003 |
Extrametricality and English stress B Hayes Linguistic inquiry 13 (2), 227-276, 1982 | 810 | 1982 |
Inalterability in CV phonology B Hayes Language, 321-351, 1986 | 790 | 1986 |
Introductory phonology B Hayes John Wiley & Sons, 2011 | 782 | 2011 |
Bengali intonational phonology B Hayes, A Lahiri Natural language & linguistic theory 9, 47-96, 1991 | 724 | 1991 |
Linguistics: An introduction to linguistic theory B Hayes, S Curtiss, A Szabolcsi, T Stowell, E Stabler, D Sportiche, ... John Wiley & Sons, 2013 | 568 | 2013 |
The phonology of rhythm in English B Hayes Linguistic Inquiry 15 (1), 33-74, 1984 | 538 | 1984 |
Phonological acquisition in Optimality Theory: the early stages B Hayes Constraints in phonological acquisition, 158-203, 2004 | 503 | 2004 |
Introduction: The phonetic bases of phonological markedness B Hayes, D Steriade Phonetically based phonology, 1-33, 2004 | 383 | 2004 |
Natural and unnatural constraints in Hungarian vowel harmony B Hayes, P Siptár, K Zuraw, Z Londe Language, 822-863, 2009 | 373 | 2009 |
Stochastic phonological knowledge: The case of Hungarian vowel harmony B Hayes, ZC Londe Phonology 23 (1), 59-104, 2006 | 355 | 2006 |
Iambic and trochaic rhythm in stress rules B Hayes Annual meeting of the Berkeley linguistics society, 429-446, 1985 | 342 | 1985 |
A revised parametric metrical theory B Hayes North East Linguistics Society 17 (1), 18, 1986 | 320 | 1986 |